Sunday, August 18, 2013


How to become a good student.
Every student wants to become a good student. A student should have followed some instructions to become a good student. First he should go to school regularly and listen to the teachers lecture attentively. He must need to prepare very well for the exam. He should not neglect his studies at the beginning of the school term. Then he should understand what he reads. Next he should make his own notes himself and revise them frequently. After that he should have a fairly good command over the language. Finally he should enrich his knowledge. He should read all the books throughout the year. He should obey the teachers, carry out their orders and follow their instructions. By following the above instructions a student can be a good student.
River Gypsies in Bangladesh
River gypsies are an ethnic group in Bangladesh. They are known as bedey to local people. They have their own lifestyles and culture. They live in groups. They do not own any land. They live a nomadic life travelling from one place to another. They roam across our rivers and waters in small country boats. These boats are their houses. Throughout the monsoon, they remain busy with fishing. They also dive for natural pearls in waters. Men catch snakes and entertain people with snake charming and sell herbal cures. Women go from door to door sell bangles, cosmetics and many other things. They also try to heal pains of old people often by sucking out blood from their body. They are use d to water life. They inherit from their forefathers necessary life skills to survive in water. They have no education. So the authority feels the need to bring them under formal education network. Some voluntary organizations are running special schools on boats to educate river gypsy children in some areas.

Importance of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the regular movement of our limbs. It is necessary to keep our body fit and strong. Physical exercise helps us to build a good health. It also helps in digesting food. There are different kinds of physical exercise. They are walking, swimming, running, cycling etc. A man can be benefited in many ways by taking physical exercise. A machine can not work without regular and proper use. Human body is compared with machine. It becomes inactive and weak without regular and proper exercise. Physical exercise makes our body active. We must remember that excess of anything is bad. Over-exercise is also injurious to health. Sometimes it tells upon our body and mind. So, we should abide by the laws of physical exercise. Everybody should take regular physical exercise with a view to enjoying sound health and sound mind.

My Favorite TV Programme

Watching TV is a great source of entertainment. I see different programmes of different channels. The most popular TV programmes are dramas, songs, dances, films, games and sports etc. There are also some instructive programmes on the television. These generally cover different branches of knowledge. Among all the programmes, my favorite TV programme is the documentary on animal life. The name of the programme is animal planet. It is telecast on every Saturday at 9 p.m. on BTV. Animals are the main performers in this programme. I have thirst for knowing about animal life from my boyhood. I can learn many things about animal life from this programme. That is why, I like this programme most.
Folk Song
Folk songs are songs that are sung in traditional style of a community or country. These songs are different from the others in themes, words and tunes. They mainly reflect the joys and sorrows of the common people of the community or the country. In Bangladesh we have a rich tradition of folk songs. These songs are sung with the traditional musical instruments such as the tabla ektara,dotara etc. However, folk songs also have some categories such as the Palligiti, Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Gambhira, Lalongiti, Palagaon etc. These songs have their traditional specialties. For example Palligiti tells the joys and sorrows of the village people. Bhatiali tells the joys and sorrows of the people whose lives are closely related with the rivers of Bangladesh. They are the boatmen, the river gypsies etc. Lalongiti is a devotional or philosophical song about creator and creation. Folk songs are valuable resources of Bangladesh and Bangladeshi culture.
A Nature Lover
A man who loves nature is considered a nature lover.Katric Poramanik has passion is to plant trees. Now he is sixty-three years old. He started planting trees when he was only ten years old. His father once told him that he can get God’s blessings by planting trees. Kartic believed it heart and soul. Never in his life had he stopped planting trees. Many of his trees are now 35-40 years old. Kartic feels happy to see them. He also feels to see people sitting under these trees saplings. By now he has planted hundreds of trees. He has planted trees beside the roads, in and around the bazer, schools and colleges, open fields and many other places. Katric does a noble job by planting trees in his leisure. He saves the environment and thus saves the humanity.
Using a Table of Contents
A Table of contents is an important part of a book. It gives us information about what is inside a book. It tells us what each of the parts of the book is about. It is also tells us how to go to the page where the part starts. A table of contents is usually written as ‘Contents’ at the top of the page. The list of the parts is presented in the order that they appear in the book. The list contains the title or the names of the parts. It sometimes mentions are sections as well as the subsection titles with the chapter or unit or lesson titles. It also includes the foreword or preface, book map, index, and the page numbers. It is very much necessary for a book.

Using a dictionary
Using a dictionary is very important for a student as well as for all. A dictionary is a collection of words. It lists the words of a language and gives necessary information about them. It tells us about the spelling, pronunciation, meaning and parts of speech etc. of words .Sentences are given in italics to make the meaning of words clear. Example sentences show how words are used. It also gives the synonyms and the antonyms of a word. We find words made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root word. Parts of speech are shown. A verb word is always given in the simple present tense. But the past form of a verb and the past participle are also shown.
Hygiene means to keep ourselves, our home and work places clean. It is important for our good health. Nobody likes an unclean person. So we should follow the rules of hygiene. We should have a bath everyday to keep our body clean. It will keep the body free from dirt and bacteria. We should wash our clothes regularly. It is important to wash our hands before meals and after using the toilets. We should brush our teeth. We should also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be pure. Moreover, we should keep our surroundings and environment neat and clean. If we do and follow all the above things properly, we will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.

A Nature Lover
A man who loves nature is considered a nature lover.Katric Poramanik has passion is to plant trees. Now he is sixty-three years old. He started planting trees when he was only ten years old. His father once told him that he can get God’s blessings by planting trees. Kartic believed it heart and soul. Never in his life had he stopped planting trees. Many of his trees are now 35-40 years old. Kartic feels happy to see them. He also feels to see people sitting under these trees saplings. By now he has planted hundreds of trees. He has planted trees beside the roads, in and around the bazer, schools and colleges, open fields and many other places. Katric does a noble job by planting trees in his leisure. He saves the environment and thus saves the humanity.
Naskahi Khantha
Nakshai Kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. The name was taken from Bengali word, ‘Nakshi’ which means artistic pattern. It is a kind of traditional craft and is said to be indigenous to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The art has been practiced in rural Bengal for centuries.The Nakshi Kantha’became popular after poet JasimUdddin’s poem “Nakshi Kanthar Math”was published in 1929.It has a far reaching effect on the field of Bangladeshi culture and tradition. Traditional kanthas are made for family use. Old or new cloth and thread are used to make these quilts.Mymensingh,Jamalpur,Rajshahi, Faridpur,Bogra and Jessore are most famous for this craft. Now it is produced commercially and we can find them in many expensive handicraft shops in cities. The quilts are now in great demand because of the colorful patterns and designs embroidered on them.Finally,we can say that “Nakshai Kantha” signifies a token of Bengali culture
The Ethnic People in Bangladesh
Ethnic is one kind of tribe or community of people. They are different from us. Their religion is also different from ours. They are very important part of the culture of our country. Their culture is different from modern western culture and therefore interesting for the people of western countries. Their clothes, jewellery, cooking and eating habit is different from ours. The majority of those people live in Chittagong Hill tracts. Some of them live some regions of Mymensing, Rajshahi, Bhola and Sylhet.They live in the forest areas, in the hills and in rural areas. They practise Jhum cultivation. By religion they are Hindus, Christians or Bhuddists. They speak their own mother tongue along with the affected/unnatural pronunciation. They have some common characteristic. They have their own lifestyles. They build their houses on bamboo or wooden platforms. Rice is their staple food. Men wear lungi and women wear thamis or sarongs and angis.Hunting and fishing are their favourite pastimes. They are fond of songs, music, dances, and theatre and fair.
How to prepare custard
My younger sister does not know how to prepare custard. I call her and say that first wash the fruits and peel them. Then cut the fruits into small pieces and keep them in a bowl. Now boil the milk in a pot. Next mix sugar in it and stir well. Now take the custard powder in a small cup of 4 tablespoons of cold milk and mix well. Then pour the mixture into the boiling milk and stir well. Boil for five minutes, stirring it all the time. After that take the pot off the stove. Let the custard be cool. Finally pour it into the fruit bowl. Now the delicious custard is ready to eat.

How to decorate your drawing room for a birthday party
My younger sister does not know how to decorate your drawing room for a birthday party. I call her and say that the first step is to clean the room properly and remove the unnecessary things from it. Hang a poster on the wall and the poster should contain the name of the occasion. Many colourful balloons can also be hung from the ceiling. Stick some flowers on the every inside wall of the room with scotch tape. These flowers can be natural or artificial. Place a table in the room and the cake should be put on that. Around the cake put some bunches of natural flowers which will spread sweet fragrance. The room is now ready for the party.

Load shedding
Load-shedding means the suspension of the supply of electricity for a certain period. It occurs in all the places where there is connection of electricity. It has become a regular affair in our country. There are many reasons for load shedding. The insufficient production of electricity in our country is the main cause of load-shedding. Misuse of electricity is another cause. Illegal connection of electricity is also responsible for load-shedding. Fresh food preserved in the refrigerator gets rotten. Load-shedding at night encourages the miscreants in there violent works. Students also cannot study properly due to load-shedding. After all, load shedding affects the economy of our country. So the authority should establish more lands and power houses to solve this problem. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped.
Traffic Jam
Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles in which many vehicles get stuck in jam. It is one of the major problems of city life. It occurs in big cities and towns. The main cause of traffic jam is the narrowness of roads in proportion to the large number of vehicles. Our vehicles have increased but our roads have not increased. The numbers of unlicensed vehicles are increasing day by day. The drivers have little knowledge about traffic rules. Parking here and there and overtaking tendency are also the cause of occurring traffic jam. It brings great suffering to us. It kills our valuable time. We can not reach school, college, office and hospital in time. However, this problem should be solved. The number of roads should be increased. Traffic rules should also be imposed with an iron hand. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed. Drivers have to be conscious about traffic rules and regulations.
Our National Flag
National flag symbolizes a nation’s independence. It introduces any country to the people of the world. Every independent country has a national flag. We live in an independent country. We have our own national flag too. It varies from country to country. Our National flag is rectangular in shape. The ratio of its length and breadth is 10:6. It may be made of cotton, liner or silk The colour of our national flag is green with a red circle in the middle. The green color indicates youth and peace. The red circle indicates dark period of oppression the sunrise after a long dark period of oppression. It also indicates the bright future of our nation.  They sacrificed their lives for the country in 1971.It is kept half- mast on the national mournful days. We love and respect our national flag very much. We are proud of it.

Street / Road Accident

The accident that is generally taken place on street is called road accident. It is taken place by buses, trucks, rickshaws, baby-taxies etc. It is increasing day by day. Thousands of people die every year due to street accident. Most of the accidents generally take place in urban areas. There are many causes of street accident. The reckless driving of the drivers is the main cause of it. The unconsciousness of the people is also responsible for increasing street accident. Most of the drivers are not willing to obey traffic rules. On the other hand, passers-by are also over busy. They do not usually use over bridge and underground path. As a result, street accident is caused every day. However, this problem should be solved by taking necessary steps. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Passers-by and drivers should be aware. Radio and television can play a vital role in this regard.
A Village Doctor
A village doctor is a person who gives medicine and treatment with his little knowledge to the village people. He is very popular and familiar figure to the villagers. Though he is quack, he is very important in the village. He is not well-educated person.He gathers experience by working under a qualified doctor or in a medicine shop. He keeps some common and necessary medicines. His chamber is usually seen in market. A few chairs, a table, an almirah and a few benches are seen in his chamber. He is very active, punctual and dutiful. He gets up early in the morning. He opens his dispensary early in the morning and begins to attend the patients. He tries his best to cure the patient but takes little fees from them. He leads very simple life. A village doctor is an important figure to the villagers because they find him whenever they call him. Actually, he is the best friend of the villagers.

My Visit to a Village Fair

On the occasion of Bengali New Year’s Day I get a chance to visit a village fair some days ago. I went there with some of my friends. I reached the fair at 4 p.m. The fair was held under a banyan tree situated in our village. The whole place was fully decorated. Many people gathered here. I saw there many attractive things. I enjoyed puppet shows and magic shows. There were many shops. They sold different things. I bought candy, balloons, earthen pots, wooden toys, etc. I also bought a clay dolls for my younger sister. I enjoyed the day very much. I gathered much experience from the fair. It was really a memorable day in my life. I returned home at 9 a.m.

A Rickshaw Puller

A rickshaw puller is a man who pulls rickshaw for money. He is very familiar figure in our country. He is very poor. His income is very law. Generally, he has no rickshaw of his own. He hires it. He has to pay about 40 to 50 taka for a single day. He earns about 250 to 300 taka per day. In bad weather, he demands more money. Most of the times he bargains with the passengers. As a rickshaw puller, He earns very small amount, he can not live in better place. He usually lives in a slum. He leads very miserable life. His life is full of sorrows and sufferings. He faces more difficulties in maintaining his family. He has to live from hand to mount. He cannot provide food, education and medicine to his family properly. He finds great pleasure to serve human being at a minimum cost. His service is really very great. He is friend to all.

My Ailm in life

My Aim in Life
Aim in life means to choose a profession for future life. A man cannot run his life towards the path of prosperity and happiness without having a definite aim in life. An aim in life is the best guide to reach the desired destination.  So every man should choose a particular profession at the beginning of his life. It depends on the individual taste. Some want to earn money and some want to earn fame. Aims become different according to persons. Someone likes to be engineer, someone likes to be a doctor and others like to be service-holder. I want to be a teacher in a university
Teaching is a noble profession of all. A teacher is a nation builder. He/she has some responsibilities to change the society. To make the society pure, every nation needs a pure reformer. A teacher can be a reformer. He/she can observe the society closely and can take a necessary step to change the society. But it is not very easy to be a teacher in a university. One must have brilliant academic background, vast knowledge in the concerned discipline and attractive presentation skill to apply for the job of a university teacher. I want to prepare myself from now onward to pursue my goal. After completing H.S.C , I will get myself admitted in English in Dhaka University. I will complete my Honours and Masters degree from the university. If I can make a brilliant result, I will try to be admitted in M. Phil and PhD course and at the same time I will try for the job of a university teacher. I believe if I study heart and soul, my dreams must come true.

Wonders of Modern Science

Wonders of Modern Science

We live in an age of science. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot think of our modern life without science. Electricity has changed our life, society and culture. It is a great source of power and energy. Most of the invention depends on electricity. We cannot think of our modern life without science. Science has done wonders in the field of communication. We can send news from one corner of the world to other within a moment. Radio and television are also great media for communication. Science has discovered many wonders for our recreation. We can hear song and music; enjoy drama, dance, debate etc. Radio is one of the wonders of modern science. It gives us news, song, dance etc. Medical science has lessened human suffering. It has given eyes to the blind, hearing to the deaf, Legs to the lame. Science has spread education among people. Thousands of books, magazines, newspapers are printed every hour. Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture. Farmers use scientific tools for cultivation and grow more foods, crops, fruits etc. Science has removed the distance of place. It has saved time. We can travel hundreds of miles within a short time. Aero plane can carry us to the different parts of the world. The radar is another wonderful invention. It gives us signal about weather forecast. Nuclear energy is another wonder of modern science. The rocket is another wonder of science. Nowadays computer and calculators have brought a great change in the history of human civilization. Modern world cannot go even a single day without computer. From the discussion above we can conclude that science is the source of development of the globe. It changes the globe day by day by following the policy of science. So science is wonders for us as well as curse for our misuse of it.   

My Hobby

My Hobby
Hobby means one’s favorite occupation, but not one’s main business. A man does not depend on it for his living but it is not less important than his main business. It is an interesting way to enjoy our leisure period. Different people have different hobbies. Hobbies keep us busy and happy. My hobby is gardening. Whenever I have spare time, I go to my small garden. I see the little plants grow. I water them. I sow seeds in the vacant space and water them. I take care of them. I have also grown many flowers. They give me great joy. I work with a spade and hoe every morning and evening in my small garden. I root out the unwanted plants. There is a banana plant also in my garden. There are other types of fruit tree as well. I grow some vegetables also in my garden. I feel very happy to see the fruits, plants and flowers in my garden. I like gardening because it is very useful for health and mind. It is a sort of physical exercise. It strengthens my health and refreshes my mind. I am charmed at their beauty I get pleasure when the sweet scent of flowers comes into my room. For as cheerful life every man should have a hobby. But we should see that out main works are not humped on account of it.

Duties of Student Life/Student life

The time when we pass in school, college and university is the first part of our life is called student life. It is the time to sow seeds of future life. Student life is the time of most important part of life. The main duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. We should write articles or school magazine. These will help us to become a good man in life. A student learns many things from books. But he has to enter the real world after his student life is over. So he needs practical knowledge of things. Student life is a life of learning. Student life is a care free life. It is a life of joy. This life is free from almost all anxieties of the world. At this time, our main work is to read and play. Our heart is soft. Our mind is simple. We pass our time happily. We can take part in games and sports. Sometimes, we go on picnic or educational trips. Therefore, the life of a student is a golden period of life. Student life is a life of character building. Character is very important in life. A good man is loved and respected by all. So a student should try to become a good man in future life. He must be truthful, honest and active. A student can think the society. He can take part in social service. He can teach the illiterate. He can help the poor. Student life is the happiest period of our life. The success of future life depends on student life. So every student should use the time properly.

Composition for JSC Exam

Discipline in everyday Life
Man is a social being. He has to live with others in society. In society he cannot do whatever he likes. He must obey some rules and regulations. To obey these rules and regulations is called Discipline. It helps a man to mould his life according to the prevailing law and order. Nature shows a glaring example of discipline. The earth, the moon, the stars and all the planets move around the sun following discipline strictly.
Discipline is very necessary in every steps of our life. The necessities of discipline in different fields of our life are many. Discipline is essential in student life. A student must attend school punctually and obey the rules of the school. He must carry out the orders of the teachers. Discipline is necessary in games and sports. If the players in the play ground do not obey the rules of the game and the orders of the captain, they are sure to lose the game. All the members of a house should obey the rules of the family.
Discipline is the root of all virtues of our life. No development of a society, a country and above all a nation is not possible without discipline. A life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. So all of us should be the performer of discipline from the very beginning of life.

Computer in everyday life
The computer is one of the most brilliant gifts of science. This device was originally developed by Charles Babbage.
Many activities in business are done by computers. Most offices, shops, factories and industries use computers. The Internet is a storehouse of information. Computers have made the world a global village today.
It helps us in solving many difficult problems of multiple calculations. Computer has a huge memory. It can hold large amount of data.
Computer has influenced every field of activity. It has reduced the paperwork. The traffic in large cities is controlled by computers. Automation in banks and railway stations have provided relief to the public. Ticketing and reservation have become more efficient and convenient.
Computers are being used to investigate disease accurately. Business transactions are easily managed by using computers.
Computer is the backbone of information technology. One can also apply for a job or admission in a college by filling the application form online. This saves time and energy. One can also see results of any examination on the Internet. Tax returns can also be filed on the Internet.
The computer gives us many benefits. One can get information about every subject from government law and services. The computer also has its negative side.  Through computerization, the world has become a global village today.
The time that we pass in school, college and university in the first part of our life is called student life. It is the time to sow seeds of future life.                        
Student life is the time of most important part of life. The main duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. We should write articles or school magazine. These will help us to become a good man in life. A student learns many things from books. But he has to enter the real world after his student life is over. So he needs practical knowledge of things.                         
Student life is a life of learning. Student life is a care free life. It is a life of joy. This life is free from almost all anxieties of the world. At this time, our main work is to read and play. Our heart is soft. Our mind is simple. We pass our time happily. We can take part in games and sports. Sometimes, we go on picnic or educational trips. Therefore, the life of a student is a golden period of life.                                        
Student life is a life of character building. Character is very important in life. A good man is loved and respected by all. So a student should try to become a good man in future life. He must be truthful, honest and active.
A student can think the society. He can take part in social service. He can teach the illiterate. He can help the poor.            
Student life is the happiest period of our life. The success of future life depends on student life. So every student should use the time properly.

Composition for JSC Exam

Discipline in everyday Life
Man is a social being. He has to live with others in society. In society he cannot do whatever he likes. He must obey some rules and regulations. To obey these rules and regulations is called Discipline. It helps a man to mould his life according to the prevailing law and order. Nature shows a glaring example of discipline. The earth, the moon, the stars and all the planets move around the sun following discipline strictly.
Discipline is very necessary in every steps of our life. The necessities of discipline in different fields of our life are many. Discipline is essential in student life. A student must attend school punctually and obey the rules of the school. He must carry out the orders of the teachers. Discipline is necessary in games and sports. If the players in the play ground do not obey the rules of the game and the orders of the captain, they are sure to lose the game. All the members of a house should obey the rules of the family.
Discipline is the root of all virtues of our life. No development of a society, a country and above all a nation is not possible without discipline. A life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. So all of us should be the performer of discipline from the very beginning of life.

Computer in everyday life
The computer is one of the most brilliant gifts of science. This device was originally developed by Charles Babbage.
Many activities in business are done by computers. Most offices, shops, factories and industries use computers. The Internet is a storehouse of information. Computers have made the world a global village today.
It helps us in solving many difficult problems of multiple calculations. Computer has a huge memory. It can hold large amount of data.
Computer has influenced every field of activity. It has reduced the paperwork. The traffic in large cities is controlled by computers. Automation in banks and railway stations have provided relief to the public. Ticketing and reservation have become more efficient and convenient.
Computers are being used to investigate disease accurately. Business transactions are easily managed by using computers.
Computer is the backbone of information technology. One can also apply for a job or admission in a college by filling the application form online. This saves time and energy. One can also see results of any examination on the Internet. Tax returns can also be filed on the Internet.
The computer gives us many benefits. One can get information about every subject from government law and services. The computer also has its negative side.  Through computerization, the world has become a global village today.
The time that we pass in school, college and university in the first part of our life is called student life. It is the time to sow seeds of future life.                        
Student life is the time of most important part of life. The main duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. We should write articles or school magazine. These will help us to become a good man in life. A student learns many things from books. But he has to enter the real world after his student life is over. So he needs practical knowledge of things.                         
Student life is a life of learning. Student life is a care free life. It is a life of joy. This life is free from almost all anxieties of the world. At this time, our main work is to read and play. Our heart is soft. Our mind is simple. We pass our time happily. We can take part in games and sports. Sometimes, we go on picnic or educational trips. Therefore, the life of a student is a golden period of life.                                        
Student life is a life of character building. Character is very important in life. A good man is loved and respected by all. So a student should try to become a good man in future life. He must be truthful, honest and active.
A student can think the society. He can take part in social service. He can teach the illiterate. He can help the poor.            
Student life is the happiest period of our life. The success of future life depends on student life. So every student should use the time properly.

Monday, July 15, 2013

A dialogue between a patient and a doctor

RITU: Good morning, doctor!
DOCTOR: Good morning, Ritu! What happened?
RITU: I am feeling fever. My whole body is aching.
DOCTOR: Let me check your fever…… (after checking)…… it’s 102. Show me your throat.
RITU: I also have cough.
DOCTOR: Your throat is also sore. Did you feel shivering during the night?
RITU: Frequently; I couldn’t sleep well.
DOCTOR: What did you eat at night?
RITU: Simple home-made food. But I have not taken any breakfast. I am not feeling hungry. And there is a feeling of vomiting.
DOCTOR: Don’t worry, I am giving you medicine. Also get your blood tested today. Show me the report tomorrow.
RITU: From where shall I get my blood tested?
DOCTOR: You may go to Lifeline Labs. It is near your colony.
RITU: How many doses have you given me?
DOCTOR: Three doses. As soon as you reach your home eat something light and take the first dose. It contains three tablets and one capsule. Repeat the same after five hours. The third one can be taken before going to bed at night.
RITU: Any precautions doctor?
DOCTOR: Don’t go to office today. Take complete rest. Avoid cold drinks or oily meals.
RITU: How much shall I pay you doctor?
DOCTOR: Only Rs.150/-.
RITU: Thank you doctor!

A dialgoue between a student and a teacher

Student : I want to improve my English but I am unable to do it.
Teacher : What is the problem?
Students : I hesitate while speaking. Sentences do not come in my mind and I just fall flat.
Teacher : Do you practice grammar?
Student : I practice now and then.
Teacher : You need to practice it daily as it will help you in speaking.
Student : How will it help me?
Teacher : Sentences will automatically come in your mind if you know grammar as grammar will help your mind construct sentences as a result you will be able to speak with out hesitation.
Student : My friend practices grammar daily still he is unable to speak fluently. What is the reason?
Teacher : Only having the knowledge of grammar is not enough. We need to practice speaking daily to master the language. How many hours does he speak?
Student : He does not speak much.
Teacher : How can you expect him to be a fluent speaker. I advise both of you to speak English very often. Be sure soon you will be fluent in English speaking. English is very easy language and can be learnt. You just need to put your sincere efforts.
Student : Thank you for your valuable suggestions. I will act upon your advice.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My duties to parents

My duties to my parents

The first requisite for children is to have love and regard for parents to whom they owe everything. We should respect, adore, and worship our parents. They constitute the real wealth of our life. We must bring joy to our parents, by our behavior. The parents must feel happy when their children obey them. We must help them in difficulties. However high we may rise in social status, however huge may be our bank account, if our parents are neglected in distress; our life has been a tragic waste. We should be grateful all our life to one who has helped us. We are the big man that we are today because of all the love and care bestowed on us in our early years by our parents. Therefore, to experience the love of our parents we should show our gratitude to them. This is a debt you owe to them. We must respect our parents, whoever they may be and in whatever condition they may be. We must respect their words and obey their commands, without any reservation. Then only we will be able to command respect from society. All the great people in yesteryears did obey and respect their parents and set an example to the world.Every man should make every effort to please his parents. Without keeping his parents pleased, a man cannot achieve anything in the world. Every man should have those qualities that enable him to please parents.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Passage Narration for SSC Exam-2014

Rules of Passage Narration

Rule 1:প্রথমত, পুরো Passage টি পড়ে কে Speaker এবং কে Audience তা চিহ্নিত করতে হবে। তারপর তাদের উক্তিগুলোর Mood বা ক্রিয়ার ধরন চিহ্নিত করতে হবে
Example:  “Will you buy my hair.” asked Akhi. “I buy hair.” said Tori.  Ans. Akhi asked Tori if he would buy her hair. Tori replied that he bought hair.

Rule 2: Reporting verb wU gv‡S ev †k‡l _vK‡jI  Indirect Speech  G Sentence Gi cª_‡g e‡m|
              Example:  “Where are you from?” said the student. “I am from Jamalpur.” said Tori.
             Ans. The student asked Tori where he was from. Tori replied that he was from Jamalpur.

Rule 3:  বক্তা যদি পুরো Passage একাধিক উক্তি ব্যবহার করে থাকেন তাহলে প্রথম উক্তির পরে পরবর্তী উক্তি গুলোর ক্ষেত্রে হবে-
             (a)Assertive Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: added/further added/also said ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
            (b)Interrogative Sentenceএর ক্ষেত্রে: again asked/further asked/also asked ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
            (c)Imperative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: and Requested /and ordered to ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
           (d)Optative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: and prayed/and wished that ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
           (e) Exclamatory Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে: and exclaimed in joy that/ in grief that ব্যবহার করতে হবে

Example:  “ I’ll pay for it. I’ll repair the broken axe. I broke it.” He said to me. “Why did you break it? How did you show your responsibility? Do you have money for repairing it?” I said. 
Ans. He told me that he would pay for it. He added that he would repair the broken axe. He further added that He had broken it. I asked him why he had broken it. I also asked him how he had showed his responsibility. I further asked if he had money for repairing it.

Rule 4: Reported Speech G hw` ïay ‘Yes’ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the affirmative or Subject + Auxiliary Verb e‡m  Ges  Reported  Speech G ‘Yes’ Gi ci †Kvb e³e¨ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the affirmative and said that..e‡m|
            Example:I said to him, “Have you memorized Narration?”, “Yes”  He said.
           Ans. I asked him if he had memorized Narration. He replied in the affirmative. Or he said that he had.  
            2. Tonni said Papri, “Will you come here.” “Yes, I will join my work tomorrow.” 
Ans. Tonni asked Papri if she (p) would go there. Papri replied in the affirmative and said that he would join her work the next day.
Rule 5: Reported  Speech G hw` ïay ‘No’ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the negative or Subject + Auxiliary Verb + not
            e‡m  Ges  Reported  Speech G ‘No’ Gi ci †Kvb e³e¨ _vK‡j Subject + replied in the negative  and said
Example:  1.  I said to him, “Have you memorized Narration?”, “No”  He said.  Ans. I asked him if he had memorized Narration. He replied in the negative. Or he said that he hadn’t.   2. Tonni said Papri, “Will you come here.” “No, I will join my work tomorrow.” 
Ans. Tonni asked Papri if she (p) would go there. Papri replied in the negative and said that he would join her work the next day.
Rule 6: Direct Speech G Please Ges Sir Gi cwie‡Z© Indirect Speech G h_vµ‡g kindly/ politely/ respectfully e‡m|
Direct Speech sir থাকলে indirect Speech Sir এর পরিবর্তে Respectfully বা Addressing as sir ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
Direct:“Yes,sir” he replied,“I have completed my home work.”
Indir:He replied respectfully in the affirmative that he had completed my home work.
Addressing as sir he replied in the affirmative that he had completed my home work.
Exmple:  “May I come in, sir”, “Yes, come in” said Tori. “Please teach me” said the student.   Ans. The student respectfully asked Tori if he might come in.The student requested Tori politely to teach him clearly. 

Rule 7:  Direct Speech G KvD‡K m‡¤^vab (address) Ki‡j Indirect Speech G addressing as e‡m|
Exmple:   “Are you happy, students” said Torikul. 
Ans. Addressing as students, Torikul asked if they were happy.

Rule 8: Inverted comma Gi evB‡i reporting verb Gi AwZwi³  Ask Sentence  Gi ïi“‡ZB  e‡m|
Example. “Are you there” asked Mina, knocking to the door. “Follow my example.”  Mina said to me, as we shook hands. 
Ans.  Knocking to the door, Mina asked me if I was there. As we shook hands, Mina advised me to follow her example.

Rule 9: Reported Speech G Assertive Gi ci? _vK‡j Indirect Speech G reporting verb Gi cy‡e© being surprised e‡m| (Interrogative Gi wbqg nq).
Example: She said to me, “You have felt how she passed her day?”
Ans. Being surprised, she asked me if I had felt how she had passed her day.

Rule 10: Reported Speech G Thank _vK‡j Indirect Speech G reporting verb Gi subject + thanked + reporting
                 verb  Gi object e‡m|
                 Example: He said to me, “Thank you.” Ans. He thanked me.

Rule 11: Reported  Speech G Goodbye  _vK‡j Indirect  Speech  G reporting verb  Gi subject + bade +
                  Reported  Speech Gi object e‡m|
                  Example: He said  “Goodbye my friends.” 
                  Ans. He bade his friend’s good bye.

Rule 12: Reported  Speech G good morning/ good evening/ good night  _vK‡j Indirect  Speech  G reporting  
                 verb  Gi subject+ wished+  good morning/good evening/good night  e‡m|
                 Example:  He said  to me, “Good morning.” 
                 Ans. He wished me good morning.

Rule 13: Reported Speech G A‡bK mgq c~b©v½ Sentence _v‡K bv †m‡¶‡G Indirect Speech G e³vi e³e¨ Abymib K‡i c~b©v½  
                sentence Ly‡R wb‡Z nq|
Example: I can buy your drama book. How much will I pay you?  “Hundred taka only?” I said to him. “Everything is ok.”
Ans. I told him that I could buy his drama book. I also asked him how much I would pay him. I further asked him if hundred take only would do. He replied that everything was ok.

Rule 14: Reported Speech G A‡bK mgq e³v I †kªvZvi D‡j­L _v‡K bv| Indirect  Speech  G e³vi ‡¶‡Î the speaker  Ges
                †kªvZvi ‡¶‡Î the listener  emv‡Z nq|
Example: “Where are you going now?” “I am going to market” Ans. The speaker asked the listener where he was goning then. The listener replied that he was going to market.

Rule 15: Reported Speech G cried/ muttered (A¯úófv‡e  K_v ejv)/ replied/ asked  _vK‡j Indirect  Speech  G
                reporting verb  Gi ‡Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv|
Example:“Save me.” She cried.
Ans. She cried to save her.

Rules at a glance for Passage Narration

Yes= Replied in the affirmative.
No= Replied in the negative.
Sir= Respectfully.
Dear friend = Addressing as dear friend.
By Allah = Swearing by Allah.
After 2 affirmative sentences-Added that.
After 2 interrogative sentences-Again asked.
Exclamatory=Exclaim with Joy /Wonder/Surprise/Sorrow/Grief.
Must = Had to.
Well= Very much.
“Congratulations.”= congratulated.
“Excuse me”= apologized.
“Oh= Exclaimed with wonder.

“Sure.”= Giving assurance.
Of course”= Agreed with.

Passage Narration for SSC Examination:
1.      The new teacher entered the classroom and said, “Can you tell me what I should do now?” “No Sir.”, one of the students said. The teacher smiled and said, “Try to guess.” “You should introduce yourself to us.” another student said. “Thank you.” said the teacher. “You’re really brilliant.”(GKRb bZzb wk¶K ‡kªYx‡Z cÖ‡ek Kij Ges ejj, Ò‡Zvgiv wK ej‡Z cvi Avgvi wK Kiv DwPZ|Ó Òbv m¨vi|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb QvÎ ejj|wk¶K nvmj Ges ejj, ÒAbygvb Ki‡Z †Póv Ki|Ó ÒAvcbvi cÖ_‡g cwiwPwZ nIqv DwPZ|Ówk¶K ej‡jb, Ò‡Zvgv‡K ab¨ev`|ÓÒZzwg mwZ¨B †gavex QvÎ|)
Answer: The new teacher entered the classroom and asked the students if they could tell him what he should do then. One of the students replied respectfully in the negative. The teacher smiled and told them to try to guess. Another student said that he should introduce himself to them. The teacher thanked him and said that he was really brilliant.

2.      The teacher said to the boy, “Why do you make a noise in the class? You are not attentive to your lessons.” “Sorry Sir” said the boy. “I was asking for a pen to my friend.” “Be attentive and listen to what I say.”(wk¶K evjKwU‡K ejj , ÒZzwg †kªYx‡Z †Kb SMov Ki?Ó Zzwg †Zvgvi cv‡V g‡bv‡hvMx bq| Ò`ytwLZÓ evjKwU ejj| ÒAvwg Avgvi eÜzi KvQ †_‡K GKwU Kjg PvB‡ZwQjvg|Ó Òcv‡V g‡bv‡hvMx nI Avwg hv ewj|Ó
Answer: The teacher asked the boy why he (B) made a noise in the class. He added that he (B) was not attentive to his (B) lessons. The boy apologized to the teacher respectfully. He added that he (B) had been asking for a pen to his (B) friend. Then the teacher advised him (B) to be attentive and to listen to what he (T) said.

3.      Omar(R) said to the woman, “Where do you live?” The woman said, “I live in a poor hut south end to this town. I am hungry but there is no food in my house. Will you give me something to eat?” Hazrat Omar(R) said, “Go home. I am coming with food and money.”(Igi (ivt) gwnjvwU‡K ejj,ÒZzwg †Kv_vq _vK?Ó gwnjvwU ejj, ÒAvwg GB kn‡i †_‡K `w¶Y w`‡K GK cÖv‡š— GKwU ‡QvU Ky‡o N‡i evm Kwi| Avwg Lye ¶yav©Z wKš‘ Avgvi evwo‡Z †Kvb Lvevi †bB|Avgv‡K wK wKQy ‡L‡Z Lvevi w`‡e| nhiZ Igi (ivt) ejj, Òevwo hvI| Avwg Lvevi Ges UvKvcqmv wb‡q AvmwQ|Ó
Answer: Omar (R) asked the woman where she lived. The woman replied that she lived in a poor hut south end to this town. She added that she was hungry but there was no food in her house. She also asked him if he would give her something to eat. Hazrat Omar (R) told her to go home and added that he was coming with food and money.    

4.      The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I have been starving for two days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?” “No, I am unable to work.”said the old man. Zzwg wK Avgv‡K wKQy Lvevi w`‡Z cvi‡e ? Avwg `yÕw`b hveZ Abvnv‡i AvwQÓ| PvKivbxwU ejj ÓZzwg wf¶v Ki †Kb? Zzwg KvR Ki‡Z cvi bv|? Ó bv , Avwg KvR Ki‡Z A¶g Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj|)
Answer: The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food. He added that he had been starving for two days. The maid asked him why he begged. She again asked him if could not work. Replying negatively the old man said that he was unable to work.

5.      “Nasreen, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher.” Yes” Sir, I have done it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical points.” replied Nasreen. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try again.”(wk¶K wRÁvmv Kij, Òbvmwib Zzwg wK AvR †Zvgvi cvV m¤úbœ K‡iQ?Ó Òn¨v,m¨vi, Avwg Bnv K‡iwQ| wKš‘ Avwg wKQy e¨vKvi‡Yi Ask eyS‡Z cv‡iwb|bvmwib DËi w`j|
Answer: The teacher asked Nasreen if she had done her English lesson that day. Replying respectfully in the positive Nasreen said that she had done it. But she added that she had not understood some grammatical points. The teacher asked her where the problem was. He proposed that they should try again.

6.      A fruit seller said, “Which fruit do you want to buy? I have apples from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir.” The customer said, “What fruits of our country do you have?” The fruit selller said, “I have coconut, guava and jackfruit.” The customer said, “Give one kg of guava as it will be the substitution of Australian apples.”(GK dj we‡µZv ejj, †Kvb ‡Kvb dj Avcwb wKb‡Z Pvb ? Avgvi Kv‡Q A‡÷wjqvi Av‡cj,`vwR©wjs Gi Kgjv,Kvk¥x‡ii Av½yi Av‡Q |Ó ‡µZv ej‡jb| Ò†Zvgvi Kv‡Q Avgv‡`i †`‡ki wK dj Av‡Q ?Ó we‡µZv ejj, ÒAvgvi Kv‡Q bvwi‡Kj,†cqviv I KvuVvj Av‡Q|Ó †µZv ejj, ÒAvgvi GK †KwR †cqviv `vI †h‡nZz GUv n‡e A‡÷wjqvi Av‡c‡ji weKí |Ó)
Answer: A fruit seller asked the customer which fruit he wanted to buy. Then he said that he (S) had apples from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kasmir. The customer asked the fruit seller what fruits of their country he (S) had. The fruit seller replied that he (S) had coconut, guava and jackfruit. The customer requested him (S) to give one kg of guava as it would be the substitute of Australian apples.

7.      “I have got G.P.A. 5 in the S.S.C. Examination,” said Kamal. “Congratulations.” “What do you intend to do now?” asked Hasan.“I want to study in a reputed college. I will try to get myself admitted into Dhaka College, Said Kamal. (ÒAvwg Gm.Gm.wm cix¶vq wR.wc.G-5 †c‡qwQ,Ó Kvgvj ejj| ÒAwfb›`b!Ó ÒZzwg GLb wK Ki‡Z PvI?Ónvmvb wRÁvmv Kij|ÒAvwg GKwU bvgKiv K‡j‡R fwZ© n‡Z PvB|Avwg XvKv K‡j‡R fwZ© nIqvi Rb¨ †Póv Kie|Ó
Answer: Kamal said that he had got GPA- 5 in the SSC examination. Hasan congratulated Kamal. He asked him (K) what he (K) intend to do then. Kamal replied that he (K) wanted to study in a reputed college and he (K) added that he would try to get himself admitted into Dhaka college.

8.      “Why you are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir?” asked the noble man. “I am doing the right thing.My dress deserves the rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saadi. “Please tell me clearly what you mean to say?” said the noble man.(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb bv ? m¤£vš— †jvKwU ejj | ÒAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ, GB `vgx Lvevi ¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j |ÓÒ AbyMÖn K‡i Avgv‡K ejyb Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”Qb|Ó Avwg eyS‡Z cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ   m¤£vš— †jvKwU ejj, Ó
Answer: The noble man asked Sheikh saadi respectfully why he (S) was putting up the food in his (S) pocket. Sheikh saadi replied that he was doing the right thing and he added that his dress deserved the rich dishes. The noble man requested Sheikh saadi to tell him clearly what he (S) meant to say.

9.      “Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?”asked Shabab“No, I have never gone there, replied Labib. “But I desire for visiting the place” “I had an opportunity to visit the sea beach last year “said Shabab” “Let us go there this week.”(ÒZzwg wK KLbI KKvªevRvi wM‡qQ?Ómveve wR‡Ám Kij|Òbv,Avwg KLbI hvB wb,Ójvwee DËi w`j|ÓÒwKš‘ Avwg RvqMvwU ågY Kivi Avkv  †cvlY Kwi|ÓÒMZ eQi Avwg eQi Avgvi  GK my‡hvM N‡UwQj  mgy`ªª‰mKZ  ågYKivi,Ómveve ejj| ÒPj Avgiv GB mßv‡n †mLv‡b hvq|Ó) 
Answer:Shabab asked Labib if he ever been to Cox’s Bazer. Labib replied in the negative that he(L) had never gone there. But he added that he desired for visiting the place. Shabab said that he had an opportunity to visit sea beach the previous year. He proposed that they should go there that week.

10.  “I came to Bogra this afternoon. I sent you a massage before starting from home” Roka said” Did you receive it in time? she asked  “No, I did not receive” I replied.  (ÒAvwg AvR we‡K‡j e¸ov G‡mwQ |evwo †_‡K iIqvbv †`Iqvi c~‡e© Avwg msev` cvwV‡qwQjvg , ÕÕ †ivKv ejj |Òmgq g‡Zv Zv Avcwb †c‡q‡Qb wK?ÕÕ †m wR‡Ámv Kij  |Òbv Avwg Zv cvBbv,ÒAvwg DIi w`jvg |)
Answer: Roka told me that she had gone to Bogra that afternoon. She added that she had sent me a message before starting from home. She asked me if I  had  received it in time. I replied in the negative that I had not received it.

11.  The man said to the manager “May I come in Sir ?”“Yes,” come in .“What do you want ?”said the manager “I want to open a bank  account in your bank ,”said the man .”Can you tell me the process of opening a savings account?”(‡jvKwU g¨v‡bRvi‡K ejj,ÒAvwg wK wfZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi,m¨vi ?ÓÒn¨v,wfZ‡i Avmyb| Avcwb Kx Pvb?Óg¨v‡bRvi wR‡Ám Ki‡jb|ÒAvwg Avcbvi e¨vs‡K GKwU e¨vsK wnmve Lyj‡Z PvB|Ó†jvKwU ejj|ÒAvcwb wK ej‡Z cv‡ib Kxfv‡e Avwg GKwU mÂqx wnmve Lyj‡Z cvwi?Ó)
Answer: The man respectfully the manager if he might go in. The manager replied in the affirmative and told him to go in. He also asked him what he wanted. The man replied him (MR) that he wanted to open a bank account. At last he asked him (MR) if he could tell him the process of opening a saving account.

12.  The traveller said, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” Yes “said the peasant.” Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” “No,”replaid the traveller.” I only want a meal.”(ågbKvix ej‡jb,ÒAvcwb wK  wbKU¯’ mivBLvbvi c_wU Avgv‡K e‡j w`‡Z cv‡ib?ÓÒn¨uv,Ó K…lK ejj|ÒAvcwb wK ivZwU KvUv‡bvi Rb¨ †mwU Pv‡”Qb?ÓÒbvÓågYKvix Reve w`‡jb|ÒAvwg ïay Lvevi †L‡Z PvB|Ó)
Answer:The traveller asked the peasant if he(P) could tell him(T) the way to the nearest inn. The peasant replied in the affirmative and asked him if he (T) wanted one in which he (T) could spend the night. The traveller replied in the negative that he only wanted a meal.

13.  I said the passer- by, “What are you seeing now?” “I am seeing the people running here and  there” he said. “How happy they are! May God help them. Let me enjoy this.”I said.(Avwg cw_K‡K ejjvg ,ÒAvcwb GLb Kx †`L‡Qb?ÓÒ‡jv‡KRb †h GLv‡b-‡mLv‡b  †`Šov‡”Q Avwg Zv †`LwQ|Ó‡m ejj|ÒZviv KZ myLx!Avj­vn Zv‡`i mnvq †nvb|Avgv‡K Zv Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z w`b|ÓAvwg ejjvg |)
Answer: I asked the passer-by what he was seeing then. He said that he was seeing the people running here and there. I exclaimed with joy that they were very  happy. Further I wished that God might help them. Then I told that I might be allowed to enjoy that.

14.  The teacher said to the Student, “Have you prepared your lesson today?’’“No, Sir ,’’replied the student. The teacher said, “Why?’’ “I was suffering from headache .I shall do my work tomorrow,’’ replied the Student .”(wk¶K Qv·K ej‡jb,ÔÔZzwg wK AvR †Zvgvi cvV ˆZwi Ki‡Q?Òbv m¨vi ÕÕQvÎwU Reve w`j |ÒAvR Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?ÕÕ Avwg MZKvj gv_v e¨_vq fyMwQjvg |Avwg AvMxgKvj Avgvi KvR Kie |ÕÕQvÎwU Reve w`j |)
Answer: The teacher asked the student if he had prepared his lesson that day. He (S) respectfully replied that he had not. The teacher again asked why he had not prepared his lesson. The student replied that he had been suffering from headache the previous day. He (S) added that he would do his work the next day.

15.  I said to old man, “What are you doing?” “I am watching the boys swimming in the pond,” he said. “How happy they are! May Allah bless them.” “Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene.” I said. (Avwg e„ׇjvKwU‡K ejjvg, ÒZzwg wK Ki‡Qv?Ó ÒAvwg evjK‡`i b`x‡Z mvZvi KvUv†`LwQ|Ó‡m ejj| ÒZviv wK myLx!ÓAvj­vn Zv‡`i g½j Ki“Y|Avgv‡K †Zvgvi cv‡k¦© em‡Z `vI Ges `„k¨wU Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z `vI|Ó Avwg ejjvg|)
Answer: I asked the old man what he was doing. He replied that he was watching the boys swimming in the pond. He also exclaimed that they were very happy. He again prayed that Allah might bless them. I requested the old man to let me sit by him and enjoy the scene.

16.  “My sons listen to me. A great treasure lies hidden in the land. I am going to leave it to you.” “How’ll we find it?” said the sons. “You must dig the land for it” said the old man. (ÒAvgvi cyÎiv Avgvi K_v †kvb | GKwU wekvj iZœ fvÛvi gvwUi bx‡P jyKvwqZ Av‡Q | Avwg GUv †Zvgv‡`i Rb¨ †i‡L hvw”Q|Ó ÒGUv Avgiv wKfv‡e Ly‡Ru cve?Ó cyÎiv ejj| ÒGUvi Rb¨ †Zvgv‡`i‡K Aek¨B gvwU Lbb Ki‡Z n‡e|Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ej‡jb|)
Answer: The old man told his sons to listen to him and added that a great treasure lay hidden in the land. He further added that he was going to leave it to them. The sons asked him how they would find it. The old man replied that they had to dig the land for it.
17.  Have you completed your assignment?” said Rumana. “No, I haven’t completed yet, “replied Farah. “But you must submit it timely,” said Rumana. “I worked on it for several hours yesterday,” replied Farah. (i“gvbv dvivn‡K ejj, Ò Zzwg wK †Zvgvi Awc©Z KvR K‡i‡Qv?Ó Òbv, Avwg GLbI m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cvwi bvB|,Ó dvivn DËi w`j| ÒwKšZz †Zvgv‡K mgqgZ Rgv w`‡Z n‡e|Ó i“gvbv ejj| ÒMZKvj Avwg A‡bK mgq a‡i KvRwU K‡iwQjvg|Ó dvivn DËi w`j|)
Answer: Rumana asked Farah if she (F) had completed her (F) assignment.Farah replied in the negative and said that she had not completed yet. Being dissatisfaction,Rumana told her (F) that she (F) must submit it timely. Farah replied that  she had worked on it several hours the previous day.

18.  “Ratan, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, Sir, I did it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical points.” replied Ratan. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try again.”(ÒiZb, Zzwg wK †Zvgvi Bs‡iwR cvV K‡i‡Qv ?Ó wk¶K wRÁvmv Kij | Òn¨v, m¨vi, Avwg Bnv K‡iwQjvg| wKš‘ MÖvgv‡ii wKQy welq eyS‡Z cvwiwb|Ó, iZb DËi w`j|Òmgm¨v †Kv_vq?Ó wk¶K ejj,ÒPj Avgiv Avevi †Póv Kwi|Ó)
Answer: The teacher asked Ratan if he had done his English lesson that day. Ratan replied respectfully in the affirmative and said that he had done it but he had not understood some grammatical points. The teacher again asked him where the problem was. He suggested that they should try again.

19.  My sister said to me, “Why are you reading this hour? Don’t you think that it is a time of prayer? Let us go out for a walk after saying prayer.” “Yes, I agree with you,” said I.(Avgvi †evb Avgv‡K ejj, ÒGB mg‡q Zzwg †Kb co‡Qv?Ó Zzwg wK Rvb bv †h GLb cÖv_©bvi mgq ? Pj cÖv_©bv †k‡l evB‡i nvUu‡Z hvB|Ó Òn¨vu, Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ GKgZ|Ó Avwg ejjvg|
Answer: My sister asked me why I was reading that hour. She again asked if I did not think that it was time of prayer. She proposed to me that we should go out for a walk after saying prayer. I replied in the affirmative and said that I agreed with her.

20.  The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” “Yes Sir. I think so.” Then learn to be honest from your boyhood.” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir.” said the boy. “May Allah grant you a long life. “said the teacher to the boy. (wk¶K †Q‡jwU‡K ej‡jb, Ó Zzwg wK g‡b Ki †h mZZvB m‡evrK…ó cš’v ?Ó†Q‡jwU ejj, n¨uv m¨vi, Avwg ZvB g‡b KwiÓ| Ò AZGe †Zvgvi evj¨Kvj †_‡K mr n‡Z †kL |Ó wk¶K ej‡jb | ÒAvcbv‡K ab¨ev`,m¨vi Ó †Q‡jwU ejj| ÒAvj­vn †Zvgvi `xN©Rxwe Kiyb,Ó wk¶K ej‡jb |)
Answer: The teacher asked the boy if he thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy replied respectfully in the affirmative and said that he thought so. Then the teacher advised him to learn to be honest from his boyhood. The boy thanked his teacher politely. The teacher wished that Allah might grant him a long life.

21.  “May I come in, Sir,” “Yes, come in.What do you want?” “How can I help you?” said the Manager. “I want to open a bank account in your bank.”  said the man. “Can you tell me the process of opening a saving account?” (‡jvKwU e¨eˉ&&nvcK‡K ejj, ÓAvwg wK wfZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi,m¨vi ?Ó n¨vu, wfZ‡i Avmyb | Avcwb wK Pvb?Ó e¨eˉ&&nvcK ej‡jb | Ò Avwg Avcbvi e¨vs‡K GKwU e¨vsK wnmve Lyj‡Z PvB |, ‡jvKwU ejj | Ò Avcwb wK Avgv‡K ej‡Z cv‡ib Avwg wKfv‡e GKwU mÂqx wnmve Lyj‡Z cvwi ?Ó )
Answer: The man respectfully asked the manager if he (man) might go in. He (manager) replied in the affirmative and told him (Man) to come in. He also aked him what he (man) wanted. The manager asked him how he could help him. The man replied that he wanted to open a bank account in his (manager) bank. He also asked him (manager) if he could tell him (man) the process of opening a savings account.

22.  “What are you doing now, Jack?” I said. “I am watching an interesting programme on television.” “Aren’t you wasting your time?” I said. “No, I don’t think so,” he said.( Zzwg GLb wK Ki‡Qv, R¨vK?Ó Avwg ejjvg| Ò Avwg †Uwjwfk‡b AvK©lYxq GKwU Abyôvb †`LwQ|Ó Zzwg wK †Zvgvi mgq bó Ki‡Qv bv?Ó Avwg ejjvg| Òbv, Avwg †Zgb g‡b Kwi bv,Ó †m ejj|
Answer: I asked Jack what he was doing then. Jack replied that he was watching an interesting programme on television. I again asked him (J) if he was not wasting his (J) time. He again replied in the negative that he did not think so.
23.  “Zaman said to me, “Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday?”  “Yes, I have finished reading the book,’ I replied. “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier.’ I said. “Will you return the book to me today? he said. (Rvgvb Avgv‡K ejj, ÒZzwg wK eBwU cov †kl K‡i‡Qv †hwU Avwg MZKvj †Zvgv‡K w`‡qwQjvg ?Ó n¨vu, Avwg eBwU cov †kl K‡iwQ,Ó Avwg DËi w`jvg| ÒwK GK gRvi eB GwU ! Avgvi B”Qv nq Avwg hw` eBwU Av‡iv Av‡M avi wbZvg!Ó Avwg ejjvg | Ò Zzwg wK eBwU Avgv‡K AvR †diZ w`‡e Ó? †m wRÁvmv Kij | )
Answer: Zaman asked me if I had finished reading the book he had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative and added that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed with delight that it was a very interesting book. Further I wished that I might borrow the book earlier. He asked me if I would return the book to him that day.

24.  The fruit seller said, “Which fruits do you want to buy? I have apples from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir.” The customer said, “What fruits of our country do you have?” The seller said, “I have coconut, guava, and Jackfruit.” The customer said, “Give one kg of Guava as it will be substitute of Australian Apples. (GK dj we‡µZv ejj, †Kvb ‡Kvb dj Avcwb wKb‡Z Pvb ?ÓAvgvi Kv‡Q A‡÷wjqvi Av‡cj,`vwR©wjs Gi Kgjv,Kvk¥x‡ii Av½yi Av‡Q | ‡µZv ej‡jb  “†Zvgvi Kv‡Q Avgv‡`i †`‡ki wK dj Av‡Q ? we‡µZv ejj, Ò  Avgvi Kv‡Q bvwi‡Kj,†cqviv I KvuVvj Av‡Q|Ó †µZv ejj,  ÒAvgvi GK †KwR †cqviv `vI †h‡nZz GUv n‡e A‡÷wjqvi Av‡c‡ji weKí |Ó)
Answer: The fruit seller asked the customer which fruit he (c) wanted to buy. He added that he (s) had the apples from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir. The customer asked him what fruits of their country he had. The fruit seller replied that he had coconut, guava and jackfruit. Then the customer told him (s) to give one kg of guava as it would be the substitute of Australian apples.

25.  The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I have been starving for three days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?” “No, I’m unable to work.” The old man replied. (e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj, Ò Zzwg wK Avgv‡K wKQy Lvevi w`‡Z cvi‡e ? Avwg `yÕw`b hveZ Abvnv‡i AvwQÓ| PvKivbxwU ejj ÓZzwg wf¶v Ki †Kb? Zzwg KvR Ki‡Z cvi bv|? Ó bv , Avwg KvR Ki‡Z A¶g Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj|)
Answer: The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food. He added that he had been starving for three days. The maid asked him why he begged. She further asked him if he couldn’t work. The old man replied in the negative that he was unable to work.

26.  “Where do you like to go, Sir? said the ticket officer to the passenger. “I want to go to Chittagong,” said the passenger. “How many tickets do you need?” “I need five tickets.” “Here are the tickets. They will cost one thousand taka,” said the ticket officer. (wU‡KU Kg©KZ©v hvÎx‡K ejj, Òm¨vi,Avcwb †Kv_vq †h‡Z Pvb?ÓÒ Avcbvi KZwU wU‡KU `iKvi?Ó ÒAvgvi cvPuwU wU‡KU `iKvi|Ó ÒGB wbb wU‡KU¸wj|‡m¸‡jv‡Z me©‡gvU GKnvRvi UvKv jvM‡e|ÓwU‡KU Kg©KZ©v ejj|)
Answer: The passenger respectfully asked the ticket officer where he (P) liked to go. The passenger replied that he (P) wanted to go to Chittagong. The ticket officer further asked the passenger how many tickets he (P) needed. He then replied that he (p) needed five tickets. Finally the ticket officer said that there were the tickets and they would cost one thousand taka. 

27.  The class teacher of class X said to the students, “Do you like to go for study tour?” “Yes’ said all the students. Then he said, “Take permission of your parents.” One of the students said, “Let us go to Cox’s Bazar ”  The most experienced age-old teacher said, “May your journey be safe and sound.”(10g †kªYxi †kªYx wk¶K QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K ejj, Ò‡Zvgiv wK wk¶v md‡i †h‡Z PvI?Ó Òn¨vuÓ me QvÎ-QvÎx ejj|Zvici †m ejj, Ò †Zvgvi evev gv‡qi KvQ †_‡K AbygwZ wb‡e|Ó ÒZv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb wk¶v_x© ejj, ÒPj Avgiv K·evRvi hvB|Óme‡P‡q eq¯‹ AwfÁ wk¶K ejj, Ò‡Zvgv‡`i ågb my›`i I wbivc` †nvK|Ó
Answer: The class teacher of class X asked the students if they liked to go for study tour. All the students replied in the affirmative. Then he (T) advised to take permission of their parents. One of the students proposed that they should go to Cox’s Bazar. The most experienced age-old teacher wished that their  journey might  be safe and sound.

28.  “What is the time by your watch?” he said. “It is half past nine,” I said. He said, “I want to go to the college. Would you accompany me, please?” “No, I am sorry,” replied I .(Ò†Zvgvi Nwo‡Z mgq KZ?Ó †m ejj|Òmv‡o bqUv Ó,†m ejj,ÒAvwg K‡j‡R †h‡Z PvB| `qv K‡i ,Zzwg Kx Avgvi m‡½ hv‡e ?Ó Óbv,Avwg `ytwLZ,Ó Avwg DËi w`jvg|)
Answer: Answer: He asked me what the time was by my watch. I replied that it was half past nine. Then he added that he wanted to go to the college. He also asked me if I would accompany him kindly. I replied in the negative and said that I was sorry.

29.  The passer-by stopped me and said, “Sir, can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” “Yes, I can,” I said. “Go straight about 100 yards and then turn left. You will find it.” “Thank you Sir,” He said. (cw_K Avgv‡K _vgvj Ges wRÁvmv Kij, Ò m¨vi Avgv‡K wbKUZg mivB Lvbvi c_wU ej‡Z cv‡ib ?Ó n¨vu Avwg ej‡Z cvwi,Ó Avwg  ejjvg | ‡mvRv cÖvq 100 MR hvb Ges ev‡g Nyi‡eb | Avcwb GwU cv‡eb |Ó Ò Avcbv‡K ab¨ev` m¨vi,Ó †m ejj|)
Answer: The passer by stopped me and asked respectfully if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn. I replied in the affirmative and said that I could. I instructed/told him to go straight about 100 yards and turn left. I also told him that then he would find it. The man then thanked me respectfully.

30.  “We would like to go an excursion. Can we have your permission? Sir?” said the students. “Yes, you can arrange it after the examination is over. And you should choose a historical place for that” replied the Headmaster. “Thank you, Sir.”(Ò Avgiv GKwU cÖ‡gv` åg‡b †h‡Z PvB|  m¨vi ,Avgiv wK Avcbvi AbygwZ †c‡Z cvwi ?,  QvÎ-QvÎxiv ejj | n¨uv, cix¶v †kl nIqvi ci †Zvgiv Gi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z cvi| Ges GRb¨ †Zvgv‡`i GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯_vb cQ›` Kiv DwPZ|Ó  cÖavb wk¶K DËi w`‡jj |Óm¨vi Avcbv‡K ab¨ev` |)
Answer: The students said that they would like to go on an excursion. They asked the Headmaster with respectfully if they could have his permission. The Headmaster replied in the affirmative and said that they could arrange that after the examination was over. He also said that they should choose a historical place for that. The students thanked the Headmaster.

31.  “What’s your programme after the examination?” asked Salam. Kamal said, I’ve not yet decided. Can you suggest any? “Let us go on a picnic.” Said Salam. “What an excellent idea! I shall certainly join with you.” said Kamal. (Ócix¶vi ci †Zvgvi Kg©m~Px wK?Ó , mvjvg wRÁvmv Kij| Kvgvj ejj, Ó Avwg GLbI wmØvšÍ †bB wb| Zzwg wK †Kvb civgk© w`‡Z cvi ?Ó ÓPj Avgiv eb‡fvR‡b hvBÓ, mvjvg ejj | wK PgrKvi! Avwg wbwðZfv‡e †Zvgvi mv‡_ †hvM`vb Kie |Ó, Kvgvj ejj |)
Answer: Salam asked Kamal what his programme was after the examination. Kamal replied that he had not yet decided. Then Kamal asked him (S) if he could suggest any. Salam proposed that they should go on a picnic. Kamal exclaimed with joy that it was an excellent idea. He said that he would certainly join with him.

32.  Rashed said to karim. “How are you?” I went to your hostel yesterday, but did not find you. Where did you go?” “I went to the station.” said Karim. “I had to receive my maternal uncle there.”(iv‡k` Kwig‡K ejj,Ó Zzwg †Kgb AvQ? Avwg MZKvj †Zvgvi QvÎvev‡m wM‡qwQjvg wKš‘ †Zvgv‡K cvBwb |Zzwg †Kv_vq wM‡qwQj ? Ó Avwg †÷k‡b wM‡qwQjvgÓ Kwig ejj ,Ó Avgv‡K †mLv‡b Avgvi gvgv‡K Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z n‡qwQj |)
Answer: Rashed asked Karim how he was. Rashed added that he had gone to the hostel the previous day but had not found him. Rashed again asked Karim where he had gone. Karim replied that he had gone to the station because he had to receive his maternal uncle there.

33.  “Did people use stamps in those days” asked Rafiq. “Yes, answered Mr Jamil, “The first stamps were used in 1840.” “Are they easy to get now?” asked Rafiq. “They are very difficult to get,” his uncle replied.(ÒZLbKvi w`‡bi †jv‡Kiv wK WvKwU‡KU e¨envi KiZ?Ó iwdK wRÁvmv Kij|Òn¨vÓRvgvj mv‡ne DËi w`‡jb ,ÒcÖ_g WvKwU‡KU e¨en&Z n‡qwQj 1840 m‡bÓ|ÒGLbwK †m¸‡jv mn‡R cvIqv hvq ?ÓiwdK wRÁvmv Kij|  Ò†m¸‡jv  cvIqv KwVb| Ó Zvi PvPv DËi w`j |)
Answer: Rafiq asked Mr Jamil if people had used stamps in those days. Mr Jamil replied in the affirmative and said that the first stamp had been used in 1840.Rafiq asked if they were easy to get then. His uncle replied that they were very difficult to get.
34.  Once I asked a sweet little girl, “What is your mother’s name?” She replied cleverly. “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that.” I said. “What a clever girl you are!” “I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know.” She spoke with an air of confidence. (GK`v Avwg GKwU †QvU wgwó evwjKv‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg, Ò †Zvgvi gv‡qi bvg wK?Ó †m weP¶YZvi mv‡_ DËi w`j, ÒAvwg Avgvi gv‡qi bvg Rvwb wKš‘ Avwg Zv †Zvgv‡K eje bv|Ó Avwg ejjvg, Ò Zzwg wK weP¶Y evwjKv!Ó ÒAvwg KvD‡K Avgvi gv‡qi bvg ewj bv hv‡K Avwg wPwb bv,Ó †m AvZ¡wek¦v‡mi mv‡_ ejj|)
Answer: Once I asked a sweet little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied cleverly that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl With an air of confidence, she spoke that she didn’t tell her mother’s name to anybody whom she didn’t know.
35.  “Great king of the genies,” called the monster. “I will never again disobey you.” Hearing those words, the fisherman became very brave and said, “Tell me why you were locked up in the vase?” The giant looked at the fisherman and said, “Speak to me politely or I shall kill you.” “Why should you kill me?” asked the fisherman. (ÓwRb‡`i gnvb ivRvÓ ˆ`Z¨ ejj, Ò Avwg KL‡bv †Zvgvi Aeva¨ ne bv|Ó I K_v¸‡jv ï‡b †R‡jwU mvnmx nj Ges ejj, ÒAvgv‡K ej †Kb †Zvgv‡K AvUwK‡q ivLv n‡qwQj?Ó ˆ`Z¨wU ivMvwš^Zfv‡e Zvi w`‡K ZvKvj Ges ejj, Ò Avgvi mv‡_ AwaKZi f`&ªfv‡e K_v ej A_ev Avwg †Zvgv‡K nZ¨v Kie |Ó )
Answer: The monster called the great king of the genies and said that he would never again disobey him (G). Hearing those words , the fishermen became brave and asked the monster to tell him (f) why he (M) had been locked up in the vase. Then the giant angrily looked at him and told the fishermen to speak to him (M) more politely, otherwise he (M) would kill him (F).The fisherman asked the monster why he (M) would kill him (F).
36.  Father said to his son, “Why are you making late? Go to school now.” “No, I am not going to school today. I feel dizzy, ”said his son. ( wcZv Zvi cy·K ejj, ÒZzwg †Kb †`ix KiQ?Ó G¶ywb ¯‹z‡j hvI|Ó bv, Avwg AvR ¯‹z‡j hvw”Q bv | Avgvi gv_v Nyi‡QÓ, Zvi cyÎ ejj |)
Answer: Father asked his son why he (S) was making late. He told him to go to school then. His son replied in the negative and told that he was not going to school that day. He added that he (S) felt dizzy.
37.  “Have you killed the rates?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have said the piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor, we cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty. ( ÒZzwg wK B›`yi ¸‡jv‡K †g‡i‡Qv?Ó †gqi ejj |Òn¨vu, Avwg †g‡iwQ,Ó eskxev`K ejj, ÒAvgv‡K cÖwZkÖ“Z UvKv w`b |Ó  Ò wK gRv ! †gqi ejj, Avgiv †Zvgv‡K †ekx UvKv w`‡Z cvwi bv | gvÎ cÂvk UvKv bvI |Ó)
Answer: The Mayor asked the piper if he (p) had killed the rates. The Piper replied in the affirmative and said that he had. Then he (P) told the Mayor to give him (P) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed in wonder that it was very funny. He added that they could not give him (P) so much money and told him to take only fifty.
38.  “Why did you not go to school yesterday?” said the mother to the girl. “I was ill, mum,” the girl replied. “How are you today?” the mother asked again.” “Well,” said the girl, “Don’t worry for me.” (ÒZzwg MZKvj †Kb ¯‹z‡j hvIwb ?Ó gv evwjKvwU‡K ejj| Ògv, Ò Avwg Amy¯’ wQjvg,Ó evwjKvwU DËi w`j|ÒZzwg AvR †Kgb Av‡Qv? Ó gv Avevi wRÁvmv Kij | ÒfvjÓ, evwjKvwU ejj, ÒAvgvi Rb¨ DwØMœ nBI bvÓ|)
Answer: The mother asked the girl why she (girl) had not gone to school the previous day. The girl lovingly replied that she (girl) had been ill. / (Addressing her (M) as mum she (G) replied that she (G) had been ill.) The mother again asked her (G) how she (G) was that day. The girl replied that she was well. She (G) also said her not to worry for her.
39.  “Why don’t you attend my classes regularly?” The teacher said to the student. “You can not expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you.” “I am sorry, I have offended you.” “ I was ill in those days,” said the student. (Ó Zzwg †Kb †kªYx‡Z wbqwgZ nvwRi nI bv ?Ó wk¶K Qv·K ejj. Óhw` Zzwg we`¨vj‡q nvwRi bv _vK, Zvn‡j Zzwg †Zvgvi cvV wkL‡Z cvi‡e bv | Zywg cix¶vq I fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv Ó ÓAvwg `ytwLZ, m¨vi, Avwg fwel‡Z †kªYx‡Z nvwRi _vKe|ÓQvÎwU ejj |)
Answer: The teacher asked the student why he did not attend his classes regularly. The teacher also told that he (s) could not expect good results unless he (s) attended classes as he told him(s).The student courteously replied that he was sorry because he (student) had offended him (teacher) and said that he had been ill in those days.
40.  Sakib said to his English teacher, “Sir, I want to improve my English. How can I do that? Can you help me?” “Don’t worry, I will help you.” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said Sakib. “Give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking , reading and writing,” said the teacher.(mvwKe Zvi Bs‡iRx wk¶K‡K ejj,Òm¨vi,Avwg Bs‡iRx‡Z DbœwZ Ki‡Z PvB| Avwg wKfv‡e GUv Ki‡Z cvwi?ÓAvcwb wK Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡ib? ÒwPš—v Ki bv,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ KieÓ wk¶K ej‡jb|ÒAvcbv‡K ab¨ev`,m¨vi,Ó mvwKe ejj|Òfvlvi PviwU `¶Zv we‡kl K‡i †kvbv,ejv,cov I †jLvi Dci †Rvi w`‡e|Ó)
Answer: Sakib respectfully told his English teacher that he wanted to improve his English. He (s)then asked him how he could do that. He (s) further asked if he could help him. The teacher told him not to worry and he would help him. Sakib respectfully thanked him. The teacher advised him to give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

41.  “Good Morning, Rupa,” said Sohel. “How much preparation have you taken for SSC Examination?” “A great preparation” She replied. “I must get GPA-5” “Wow, what a lucky girl!” said Sohel. “But my preparation is not so good.” (mycÖfvZ, iƒcvÓ †mv‡nj ejj| Gm,Gm,wm cix¶vi  Rb¨ Zzwg †Kgb cÖ¯‘wZ  wb‡qQ?Ó PgrKvi cÖ¯‘wZÓ †m DËi w`j| Avwg Aek¨B wR wc I-5 cve |Ó wK fvM¨eZx evwjKv! †mv‡nj ejj,Ó ÓwKš‘ Avgvi cÖ¯‘wZ fvj bv |)
Answer: Sohel wished good morning to Rupa. Then he asked her how much preparation she had taken for the S.S.C examination. She replied that she had taken a great preparation and added that she had to get GPA -5.Sohel exclaimed with joy that she was a very lucky girl. On the other hand,/Being dissatisfaction , he said that his preparation was not so good.
42.  “Don’t you understand what I discuss in the class?” said the teacher. “Yes, Sir but we are afraid of reading English. So we are too weak in English.” replied the students. “Read attentively and you will overcome your fear,” said the teacher. (‡Zvgiv wK eyS‡Z cvi bv Avwg †kªYx‡Z wK Av‡jvPbv Kwi ?Ó wk¶K ej‡jb, n¨v m¨vi ,wKš‘ Avgiv Bs‡iRx co‡Z fq cvB | ZvB Avgiv Bs‡iRx‡Z `~ej|Ó QvÎ/QvÎxiv DËi ejj Óg‡bv‡hvM w`‡q †jLvcov Ki Ges †Zvgv‡`i fq `~i Ki‡Z cvi‡e | Ó wk¶K ej‡jb |
Answer: The teacher asked if they didn’t understand what he(T) discussed in the class. The student replied in the affirmative. But they said that they were afraid of reading English that is why they were too weak in English. The teacher advised them to read attentively and they would overcome their fear.
43.  “Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” “I’ll do better than that,” I retorted “I’ll eat nothing at dinner to night.” “Humorist!” she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. ( ÒAvgvi `„óvš— Abymib KiÓ Avgvi nvZ wgjv‡bvi mgq †m ejj, Ges `ycy‡ii Lvev‡i GKwU wRwb‡mi AwZwi³ KL‡bv Lv‡e bv|Ó ÒAvwg Zvi †P‡q AviI KieÓ Avwg mgywPZ Reve w`jvg, ÒAvwg iv‡Zi cÖavb Lvev‡i wKQyB Lve bvÓ|ÒiwmK! †m Avb›`wP‡Ë wPrKvi K‡i GKwU K¨v‡e jvwd‡q P‡o emj|)
As we shook hands she advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that and added that I would eat nothing at dinner that night. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily and commented that I was a humorist.
44.  ‘Shima, can you tell me what I am teaching?” the teacher asked. I’m sorry. Sir. I can’t follow,” replied Shima. “You can’t because you are attentive, ‘the teacher said.(Òmxgv, Zzwg wK Avgv‡K ej‡Z cvi‡e Avwg wK wk¶v w`‡ZwQ| wk¶K ej‡jb| Avwg `ytwLZ, m¨vi|Avwg AbymiY Kwiwb|mxgv DËi w`j| ÒZzwg cvi bv KviY Zzwg g‡bv‡hvMx bv|Ó wk¶K ej‡jb|
Answer: The teacher asked Shima if she could tell him what he was teaching. Shima replied in the negative that she could not follow. The teacher then told that she could not follow because she was not attentive.
45.  “Have you done your home work?” The mother said to the daughter, “No, I’ve forgotten.” said the daughter. “That’s very bad. You must be more careful about your homework. By doing so, you can’t expect to do well in your studies.’ said the mother. (ÒZzwg wK †Zvgvi evoxi KvR K‡i‡Qv?Ó gv Zvi Kb¨v‡K ejj|Òbv, Avwg fy‡j wM‡qwQ|Ó Kb¨v ejj|‡mwU AZ¨šÍ Lvivc|Zywg †Zvgvi evoxi KvR m¤ú©‡K Aek¨B mZK© n‡e|GBfv‡e Kivi gva¨‡g Zzwg  fvj djvdj jv‡fi Avkv Ki‡Z cvi bv|gv  ejj| )
Answer: The mother asked the daughter if she had done her home works. The daughter replied in the negative and told that she had forgotten. The mother told that that was very bad. She suggested the daughter that she must be more careful about her home work. She also warned her daughter that by doing so, she could not expect to do well in the examination.