Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Ailm in life

My Aim in Life
Aim in life means to choose a profession for future life. A man cannot run his life towards the path of prosperity and happiness without having a definite aim in life. An aim in life is the best guide to reach the desired destination.  So every man should choose a particular profession at the beginning of his life. It depends on the individual taste. Some want to earn money and some want to earn fame. Aims become different according to persons. Someone likes to be engineer, someone likes to be a doctor and others like to be service-holder. I want to be a teacher in a university
Teaching is a noble profession of all. A teacher is a nation builder. He/she has some responsibilities to change the society. To make the society pure, every nation needs a pure reformer. A teacher can be a reformer. He/she can observe the society closely and can take a necessary step to change the society. But it is not very easy to be a teacher in a university. One must have brilliant academic background, vast knowledge in the concerned discipline and attractive presentation skill to apply for the job of a university teacher. I want to prepare myself from now onward to pursue my goal. After completing H.S.C , I will get myself admitted in English in Dhaka University. I will complete my Honours and Masters degree from the university. If I can make a brilliant result, I will try to be admitted in M. Phil and PhD course and at the same time I will try for the job of a university teacher. I believe if I study heart and soul, my dreams must come true.

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