Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Hobby

My Hobby
Hobby means one’s favorite occupation, but not one’s main business. A man does not depend on it for his living but it is not less important than his main business. It is an interesting way to enjoy our leisure period. Different people have different hobbies. Hobbies keep us busy and happy. My hobby is gardening. Whenever I have spare time, I go to my small garden. I see the little plants grow. I water them. I sow seeds in the vacant space and water them. I take care of them. I have also grown many flowers. They give me great joy. I work with a spade and hoe every morning and evening in my small garden. I root out the unwanted plants. There is a banana plant also in my garden. There are other types of fruit tree as well. I grow some vegetables also in my garden. I feel very happy to see the fruits, plants and flowers in my garden. I like gardening because it is very useful for health and mind. It is a sort of physical exercise. It strengthens my health and refreshes my mind. I am charmed at their beauty I get pleasure when the sweet scent of flowers comes into my room. For as cheerful life every man should have a hobby. But we should see that out main works are not humped on account of it.

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