Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wonders of Modern Science

Wonders of Modern Science

We live in an age of science. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot think of our modern life without science. Electricity has changed our life, society and culture. It is a great source of power and energy. Most of the invention depends on electricity. We cannot think of our modern life without science. Science has done wonders in the field of communication. We can send news from one corner of the world to other within a moment. Radio and television are also great media for communication. Science has discovered many wonders for our recreation. We can hear song and music; enjoy drama, dance, debate etc. Radio is one of the wonders of modern science. It gives us news, song, dance etc. Medical science has lessened human suffering. It has given eyes to the blind, hearing to the deaf, Legs to the lame. Science has spread education among people. Thousands of books, magazines, newspapers are printed every hour. Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture. Farmers use scientific tools for cultivation and grow more foods, crops, fruits etc. Science has removed the distance of place. It has saved time. We can travel hundreds of miles within a short time. Aero plane can carry us to the different parts of the world. The radar is another wonderful invention. It gives us signal about weather forecast. Nuclear energy is another wonder of modern science. The rocket is another wonder of science. Nowadays computer and calculators have brought a great change in the history of human civilization. Modern world cannot go even a single day without computer. From the discussion above we can conclude that science is the source of development of the globe. It changes the globe day by day by following the policy of science. So science is wonders for us as well as curse for our misuse of it.   

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