Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My duties to parents

My duties to my parents

The first requisite for children is to have love and regard for parents to whom they owe everything. We should respect, adore, and worship our parents. They constitute the real wealth of our life. We must bring joy to our parents, by our behavior. The parents must feel happy when their children obey them. We must help them in difficulties. However high we may rise in social status, however huge may be our bank account, if our parents are neglected in distress; our life has been a tragic waste. We should be grateful all our life to one who has helped us. We are the big man that we are today because of all the love and care bestowed on us in our early years by our parents. Therefore, to experience the love of our parents we should show our gratitude to them. This is a debt you owe to them. We must respect our parents, whoever they may be and in whatever condition they may be. We must respect their words and obey their commands, without any reservation. Then only we will be able to command respect from society. All the great people in yesteryears did obey and respect their parents and set an example to the world.Every man should make every effort to please his parents. Without keeping his parents pleased, a man cannot achieve anything in the world. Every man should have those qualities that enable him to please parents.

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