Friday, June 6, 2014

letter for SSC Exam

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeWrite a letter to your friend telling him the importance of reading newspaper.

My dear friend Shapla
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. Thank you for your letter. I am well. I hope you are also well by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah. I am glad (Lywk) to tell you a few lines about the importance of reading newspaper.
A newspaper is a store (fvÛvi) house of knowledge. It is a mirror (Avqbv) of the current (mv¤cÖwZK) world. By reading newspaper we can enrich (mg„×) our knowledge (Ávb) on various fields (wewfbœ †¶‡Î). By reading newspaper we can learn the current information (Z_¨) on science, education, literature (mvwnZ¨), agriculture, sports and games, arts and culture(K…wó-ms¯‹…wZ). Every student and every educated (wkw¶Z) person should read newspaper.
No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend
·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
My dear friend Ruksana
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. Many, many thanks for the wonderful week I spent with you. My stay with you was really extremely delightful. Your mother prepared so delicious and special dishes for me. She is an expert in cooking and serving, welcoming, and guests. I enjoyed every day, every hour, every moment of your rich hospitality.
It was really very nice of you to invite me to spend a week with you. I was highly charmed at the loving care of all the members of your family. The sweet memory of my short stay at your house will remain ever fresh in my mind.
Once again many thanks to you. Convey my compliments and best wishes to your beloved parents.
Yours ever,
·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after S.S.C. examination.
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
My dear friend Shahinur
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. In your letter, you have wanted to know what I intend to do after the SSC examination. I am glad (Lywk) to tell you a few lines about it.

After my examination, I will admit myself into a computer training centre and spend my free time in learning how to operate computer, e-mailing, internet browsing etc. If we have no computer based knowledge, we can not cope with the modern age.

No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend

·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your friend consoling his/her mother’s /father’s sudden death.

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeMy dear friend Munia
I am very shocked to hear that your mother is no more on earth. I could never think that she would leave us at such a premature age. No words of consolation can give you any comfort at this moment.

Man is mortal. Today or tomorrow everybody must die. With the course of time, you and I also will die. My eyes became dim and heart began to palpitate when I read about the untimely and sudden demise of your mother. It is a great loss for you. I don’t have any language to console you. I request you to endure this sad incident with courage. Let’s pray to Allah for her/his departed soul.

Your loving friend

·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your friend about annual sports day of your school.


Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeMy dear friend Farzana
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. Thank you for your letter. I am well. I hope you are also well by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah. I am glad (Lywk) to tell you a few lines about annual sports day of our school.
You will be glad to know that the annual sports of our school came to an end yesterday. I am very pleased to let you know that I won as many as three prizes in the annual sports of our school. The District Education officer inaugurated the function and the Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest. There was a big gathering of spectators. Some of our teachers acted as judges. Main items of sports were high jump, long jump, races and discus throwing. After the end of the function, the chief guest distributed the prizes. It was really a day of great joy for us.

No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend

Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic.


Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeMy dear friend Salma
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. Thank you for your letter. I am well. I hope you are also well by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah. I am glad (Lywk) to tell you a few lines about a picnic.

We are going to enjoy a picnic at Gazipur National Park on 21 December. It is one of the most suitable picnic spots in our country. We shall start at seven o’clock in the morning from our school campus. You will come in time (h_vmgq). We will enjoy there lot. You are cordially invited to attend us. Your presence (Dcw¯’wZ) will give us much (A‡bK) pleasure (Avb›`).

No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend
·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

A letter to your friend describing the picnic.


Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeMy dear friend Salma
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. In the letter, you wanted to know about the picnic that we had enjoyed. I am glad to tell you a few lines about our picnic.
We started our journey by a hired bust at 8 a.m.Destination was Sonagaon.We reached our destination at 11 a.m.We took necessary utensils and materials with us. After reaching there, some of my friends began to cook lunch for us. But I and Mim, Mousumi, Selina went out for sightseeing of Sonargaon.We had a bath in a nearby pond. At about 2 pm. We had our lunch. We came back hone at 6 pm. On the whole, the picnic was very interesting and enjoyable.

No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me.  Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend
·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*
Write a letter to your friend/cousin congratulating him/her brilliant success in the J.S.C examination.

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe10.02.2015

My dear friend Shahira,
At the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart.I came to know by your letter that you have passed the S. S. C examination with G.P.A-5:00. My heart is brimming with joy since I have heard the news of your brilliant success. May God grant you such more joys and successes in future? Accept my heartiest and cordial congratulations on your brilliant (‡MŠiegq) success. In fact, this brilliant result is a matter of pride and joy for us. This success now brings (wb‡q Avmv) golden opportunities (my‡hvM) for you to rise in life. I am sure that you will do still better in your future examination.
My parents are also very glad to know of your success. It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly.
Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me.
Your loving friend

*Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your friend telling him the importance of physical exercise.

My dear friend Salma
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeAt the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. Thank you for your letter. I am well. I hope you are also well by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah. I am glad (Lywk) to tell you a few lines about the importance of physical exercise.
It helps us to build a good health. It is necessary to keep our body fit and strong. It also helps in digesting food. A man can be benefited in many ways by taking physical exercise. Physical exercise makes our body active. We should abide by the laws of physical exercise. Everybody should take regular physical exercise with a view to enjoying sound health and sound mind. If you fail to keep your body sound, you will lose all zest of life and then life would be dull and meaningless to you. You are told to take physical exercise regularly so that you can keep your body fit.
No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend
·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*
Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending you a nice present/gift.


My dear Friend Sadia
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeAt the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the letter take my love and best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core of my heart. I have received your letter. Thank you for your letter. I am well. I hope you are also well by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah. I am very glad to receive (MÖnY Kiv) your letter and parcel (c¨v‡KU) of a nice birthday gift. Thanks a lot for the gift. I wonder (AevK) how you could guess (Abygvb) my desires (B”Qv) of a dictionary. I shall preserve (msi¶Y) it. It will come to use altogether (me‡¶‡Î) in my life. Many presents (Dcnvi) I received on the occasion (Abyôv‡b) but the one received from you is the best of all.

No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you soon
Your loving friend

·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination.

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeIsrat

Dear Mamun
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that your 1st term examination will be held on the 21st instant. Now I am giving you some suggestions about it.
Unfairmeans in the examination is an offence. I do not support unfair means in the examination because it degrades the standard of education. If the students of a country do not acquire true education, there will be no development for the country. An examinee should read seriously so that he can cut a good figure in the examination. I hope that you will never adopt copying in the examination hall.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever
·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your pen friend describing about your country.
Ibrahimpur Dhaka
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
Dear Albert,
Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about my country from me. Bangladesh declared independence on 26 March 1971. It became free from Pakistan on 16 December 1971 after a great liberation war. Bangladesh is a small country with a large population. It is a democratic country with many kinds of people. They follow different religions and customs. Bangladesh is also a beautiful country with many resources. It is a fertile land and where rice, jute, sugar-can, tea and fruits grow in plenty. Bangladesh has rich deposit of oil, gas and coal. There are many big rivers in our country. The Padma , the  Meghna, the Jamuna and the Karnaphuli. We have many interesting place. Many people visit these places every year. In fact I feel proud to have a nice country about Bangladesh.

Yours ever
·       Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Write a letter to your friend advising him/her to be serious/punctual about his/her studies.

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe10.02.2015

My dear brother Shamim
At first take my love. I have received your letter.  I am quiet well. I hope you are also well by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah. I am greatly shocked to know that you are not regular in your studies. I am informed that you are mixing with bad boys. It has broken my heart. You know that our economic condition is not good. You are our hope. You should not hurt us in this way. You should use your time properly. You should be regular in your studies. I hope that you must follow my advice.

No more today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.  Keep well and write to me. Hopping to hear good news from you soon.

Your loving brother

·      Draw an envelop and write full addresses of the writer and receiver.*

Suppose, you are Rana. Your younger brother Raju is weak in English. Now, write a letter to your younger brother telling him about how to improve in English.
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
My Dear Raju
I received your letter two days ago. I am glad to know that you all are well. In the letter, you have wanted to know about how to improve in English.
You know that English is an international language. Nobody can succeed in life without knowing English well. To know English well is the demand of time now. To improve in English, you need to learn more words, their meaning and usage, the basic rules of grammar and sentence patterns. In this regard, you may read different kinds of English books and newspapers. You may hear English news. You may also speak English in your everyday life.By following all these things, you can improve in English.

No more today. Convey my deepest regard to parents and love to the younger.
Your brother

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeSuppose, you have recently witnessed a serious street accident. Write a letter to your friend describing the street accident.

12, New Market, Mathbaria, Pirojur
June, 10, 2014

My Dear Nasir,
It is with a heavy heart that I write a few lines about an accident which happened just before my eyes. Last Monday at 10 a.m. a little boy was crossing the road near our school. A bus was coming with full speed. It ran over the boy. The boy died on the spot. A large crowded gathered there. I could not bear it and left the place.

No more today. Be careful while moving the streets.
Yours ever

Monir Hossain
12, New Market
Mathbaria, Pirojpur
Nasir Uddin
135, North Jatrabari

Your school is closed for summer vacation. You have decided to spend the vacation at your village house. Now write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend a few days with you.

Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe12, New Market, Mathbaria, Pirojur
June, 10, 2014

Dear Nasir
I hope you are well. I am also well. It is summer. My school is closed. Your school is also closed. I want to spend the summer vacation with you at my home. We will swim in the river. We will catch fishes in the pond. We will go to village market and buy the things which you like. I hope you will get much pleasure if you come. I invite you to spend a few days with me at my village house. I hope you will come at my village house and we will enjoy very much.
With best wishes to you.

Your loving friend
Monir Hossain                                  

Monir Hossain
12, New Market
Mathbaria, Pirojpur
Nasir Uddin
135, North Jatrabari

Dated : February 2, 2015
The Headmaster
Binodpur B.K High school

Subject: An application for -----------------------------------
Dear Sir,
I have the honour to state that ***-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I, therefore, hope and pray that your honour would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeI remain
Your most obedient pupil
Mousumi  Akter
Class-X   Roll-01
                                 ***Body of the Application:
1.      An application to Headmaster of your school for a testimonial.
I have come out successful in the PEC/ SSC/JSC examination this year from your School. Now, I wish to get myself admitted into a college, for the purpose I need a testimonial regarding my results and character.

2.      An application to Headmaster of your school for a seat in the school hostel
my father is a government employee. He has been transferred from Dhaka to Magura.My family has already been shifted. I have no relative here to live with them. I want to continue my studies in your school.

3.      An application to Headmaster of your school for a full free studentship.
my father is the only earning member of our family. He is a poor farmer. He has to maintain a large family. It is not possible for him  to bear our educational expenses.

4.      An application to Headmaster of your school for morning school.
the summer season has already started. Due to excessive heat it has become very difficult for us to continue our work in the classroom at noon.

5.      An application to Headmaster of your school for transfer certificate
my father is a government employee. He has been transferred from Dhaka to Magura. My family has already been shifted. I have no relative here to live with them. I am unable to continue my studies in your school.

6.      An application to Headmaster of your school for remission of delay fine.
I could not pay my tuition fees for the months of June and July in time as my father was in financial hardship for not a getting his salary for a few months. Now he has got his salary and as such I am able to pay my fees.

7.      An application to Headmaster of your school for a half-holiday.
a T-20 cricket match is going to be played between our school and R.K High school today at  4 p.m. in our school playground. We wish to witness the cricket match.

Dated : February 2, 2015
The Deputy Commissioner/
Magura District, Magura
Subject: Application for--------------------------------------
Dear Sir,
We, the inhabitants of   “(GjvKvi bvg/‡h GjvKvi Awaevmx) “ area, beg to draw your kind attention that ****--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Under the above circumstance(GgZve¯’vq), we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to consider above mentioned matter and taking necessary steps and oblige there by.
Yours sincerely,
Mousumi Akter
On behalf of the “(
GjvKvi bvg)” area
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Body of the Application
1.      Application: Prayer for relief goods for flood affected people.
our locality has been affected by devastating flood.A large number of people have been affected. Some of them have lost their houses and have taken shelter on road. They have no food to eat. Moreover, diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, fever, and cough have broken out. The children and the old are the worst sufferers.

2.      Application: Prayer for constructing a bridge
we can not communicate with Magura because there is no bridge over Naboganga canal. In winter season, we can communicate because the canal dries up then. The problem becomes acute in rainy season. Farmers can not carry their crops, students can not go to institution, even a dying patient can not reach hospital in time.

3.      Application: Prayer for repairing a bridge
we can not communicate with Magura because the bridge over Naboganga river is seriously damaged. No vehicle can ply properly. In winter season, we can communicate but the problem becomes acute in rainy season. Farmers can not carry their crops, students can not go to institution, and even a dying patient can not reach hospital in time

4.      Application: Prayer for constructing a road
there is no Pucca road between Binodpur and Magura. No vehicle can ply properly. In winter season, we can communicate but the problem becomes acute in rainy season. Farmers can not carry their crops, students can not go to institution, even a dying patient can not reach hospital in time.

5.      Application: Prayer for repairing a road
we can not communicate with  Magura because Binodpur Magura road is seriously damaged. No vehicle can ply properly. In winter season, we can communicate but the problem becomes acute in rainy season. Farmers can not carry their crops, students can not go to institution, and even a dying patient can not reach hospital in time

6.      An application for more relief’s for the cyclone affected people.
the recent cyclone has left a trail of death and destruction. Thousands of people have become homeless. They are living under the open sky. All the crops of the fields have been destroyed.  Famine and epidemic have already gripped the whole area. An acute scarcity of food, drinking water, medicine, clothes etc. So, more goods are badly needed to keep the distressed people alive.

Dated : February 2, 2015
The Headmaster
Binodpur B.K High school
Subject: An application for (cÖ‡kœ D‡j­wLZ welq )
Dear Sir,
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexeWith due respect and honour, we the students of your school, would like to state that we have no cÖ‡kœ D‡j­wLZ welq.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.***  It is our long cherishing desire to have a rich ---------- in the school premises.
We, therefore, hope and pray that your honour would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.
We remain,
Your most obedient pupils.
Binodpur B.K High school
***Body of the Application:
1.    An application to Headmaster of your school for setting up a canteen.
We have to stay school for six hours. We cannot pass this long period without taking any food. Many students take food from the road side hotels which are dirty and unhygienic.
2.    An application to Headmaster of your school for setting up a debating club.
A debating club is necessary to expose our latent talent. It can prepare us to learn more and more about unseen matter. We can get much opportunity to flourish our knowledge
3.    An application to Headmaster of your school for setting up an English language club.
We hardly find any opportunity to develop our English language skills for want of an English Language club in our school.
4.    An application to Headmaster of your school for setting up a computer club.
A computer is a great advantage in our modern life. It can help us to build up a bright career. Bangladesh has entered into the computer era and has access to Internet
5.    An application to Headmaster of your school for setting up a literary club.
The students of this school are very literary-minded. Literature is the mirror of life. A literary club can give us opportunity to study art and literature.

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