A Good Citizen
A good citizen is a person who has basic knowledge
on modern science, technologies including ICT and other necessary subject, live
happily among the people in his society. He undoubtedly plays important roles
in the development of the country. With his scientific knowledge, he can be
useful both to himself and to society. He is morally developed and always has a
mentality to be helpful to others. He never breaks the social or state rule. A
person can be a good citizen by acquiring basic knowledge about his country,
such as its laws, executive and legislative powers, judicial system, its
culture, tradition, literature, moral values, religions etc. He should also
have knowledge about the socio-economic activities and educational system. The
knowledge on these things will help him contribute greatly to the development
of the country. He will offer his well thought opinions or ideas to reform,
develop, amend and protect the existing things in the country. He has to be
aware of the new development or creation of the world in various fields so that
he can contribute to the development of the country. A good citizen is a
patriotic man who always avoids all anti-social activities. He with his
democratic attitude always supports the best thing and thus helps in creating
something really good or useful. In this respect not only the concerned family
but also the government plays great roles in moulding his moral character and
making him knowledgeable person on all these important subjects. So the government
should have a good education system which will be morally formative, creative
and suitable according to the age, range of intellect etc, of the students.
means not only a duty or an obligation to do something but also a duty or an
obligation not to do something. A sense of responsibility along with wisdom,
knowledge and moral education makes one an ideal person in society. A
responsible person is always conscious of his duties and he always sticks to
the right path. He is sympathetic, co-operative and creative. He helps the
helpless, abides by the rules of society and country. Again, being a
responsible person he tries his best to prevent these evil-cultures. He hates
these whole-heartedly. A responsible student always studies attentively, obeys
his/her superiors. A responsible person having gained knowledge, skills and
attitude uses them practically for the betterment of society. The government
also has many responsibilities to the citizens. It provides the citizens with the
basic necessities of life including food, clothing, shelter, education and
medical care. It has also the responsibility to protect the fundamental rights
of its citizens to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press,
freedom of religion, equality of all before law etc. Thus responsibility
certainly leads to peace and prosperity of a family, a society or a country.
But irresponsibility is undoubtedly a curse which is sure to destroy peace,
prosperity or even a civilization. For example, if a government is
irresponsible, the nation will lag behind day by day. If family men are callous
to maintain his family, the family will not develop. Even the family members
may be degraded. They can involve themselves in immoral and illegal activities.
So, we all should be responsible in our respective fields.
is something done to pass time pleasantly. It means a hobby. It is one’s
favourite occupation, but not the main occupation. Pastime differs from man to
man. It may be reading books, journals, magazines, travelling, photography,
angling, stamp collecting, playing games and unprofessional singing. It may be
watching TV, listening to music, playing games on computers, gardening and
doing yoga. Pastime is a source of pleasure and relaxation. The people of the
present world are very busy with their professional work. They do the work hour
after hour. As a result, they feel bore and they lost their mental vigour. So,
pastime is needed for their recreation because it removes monotony of work and
mental fatigue. It also refreshes our body and mind. It revives our life. One
can attain knowledge by making pastime. Observation is one of them. Many of us
like to select bird-watching as their pastime. They can feel the beauty of the
birds and above all they can realize the significance of the beautiful creation
of the Almighty Allah. Pastime like sports, gardening and yoga are good forms
of exercise. There are many kinds of yoga practices which may be regarded as
pastime. For example, meditation is an excellent yoga practice. Anybody can
practice meditation in his or her pastime. They are beneficial to health. The
great people of the world were fond of pastime to enjoy themselves. For
example, Rabindranth Tagore enjoyed his pastime through making a journey by
boat on the river,Padma.This Journey helped him reveal his potentialities. We
should have pastime but none should spend time for it neglecting the main
Mother’s Day
Mother is an incomparable blessing in the world.
Mother’s Day is a very significant day observed as a special occasion in honour
of mothers. The day was, for the first time, announced as a formal holiday in
the United States of America. Mother’s Day is now
observed every year in Bangladesh as elsewhere around the
world. The sons and daughters eagerly wait for this day. They buy some special
presents for their dearest mother. When they offer the presents, the mother
becomes very happy. It brings a heavenly happiness between a mother and her
children. The bond of relationship between mother and children becomes
everlasting. The mother also draws her children with her monthly affection. In
this way, we pay a glowing tribute to our dear mothers. The mothers of famous
personalities or celebrities are also offered special honour ceremonially.
Seminars and symposium are also held in honour of our respected mothers. In
addition, our national dailies bring out special supplements highlighting the
importance and significance of the day and the remarkable contributions if our
mothers to the family, society and the country. The day of great significance
in the entire world including our country. Mothers irrespective of caste, creed
and religion of a mother fell highly honoured, delighted and proud of there
status in society. They delighted and proud of there statues in society. The
dignity of a mother in the patriarchal family has proud tremendously increased
because of the day.
Electronic mail or simply E-mail is very much
popular now-a-days for its speedy transmission of information's and cost
effectiveness. Hence information provided by a sender is delivered
asynchronously to a point where it can be retrieved and processed later on by
one or more recipients of the sender's choice. In an E-Mail system, there is a
number and the sender keeps on dialing the desired number till he/she is
successful. Once it is connected, the PC terminal of the sender sends the
message to the PC terminal of the recipient at a very high speed. There is no
need of any physical presence of both the sender and the receiver. The sender
can enter the message and the receiver can retrieve it whenever he/she is free.
The message will remain in PC's memory. The transmission of messages is usually
done through landlines (telephones) or satellite communications or through
marine cables. E-mail has lot of advantages to its credit. It is cost
effective. Very less money is required In comparison to other transmission
device. It is time saver. Within very short time messages can be sent. There is
no need of presence of either the sender or the receiver. Once the message is
entered into PC’s it will remain in the receiver PC's memory. E-mail
transmission is very speedy. It is four times faster than FAX and ten Times
faster than telex. There is the system of using password which each subscriber
can choose to use. Hence E-mail gives security of message.
E-mail is one of the most useful and wonderful
inventions of modern science. Modern science has made impossible possible by inventing
many useful and wonderful tools and devices. It has brought about the whole
world to our grip. E-mail is one of the most useful means of communication in
this new era. E-mail communication is user to user via a computer. It is easier
and cheaper than fax, telephone and telex. Telex is also an electric mail.
Telex service is terminal to terminal while E-mail service is user to user via
a computer. Privacy is fully maintained in E-mail service. Any messages can be
sent from one corner to another of the globe within seconds by using E-mail
service. Office-files can be exchanged easily and quickly by using this
service. Now trade and commerce greatly depend on this rapid communication
service. E-mail system has quickened the activities and transactions of any
offices and banks, trade and commerce. Our student society enjoys a lot of
advantages by using E-mail service. They can discuss with their teachers
sitting at home through E-mail. They can also do library works and get
necessary academic information through this useful service by staying at home.
It has also quickened the globalization process. Besides, E-mail service saves
a lot of papers and times. This service has made our life very easier and
happier. E-mail service should be made more popular in order to make our
programmes and plans more successful and fruitful.
Climate change
change is the most pressing issue at the moment over the world. The cause of
climate change can be divided into two categories those are due to natural causes
and those are created by mean. Global worming is the main natural reason and
using harmful chemicals in every day life is the main reason created by man.
The climate is changing rapidly that results in the rise of the earth’s average
temperature. The global climate change and its consequence are leaving a bad
impact on the developing countries like Bangladesh, forcing the poor countries to face natural
calamities and poverty. Climate change impacts include temperature rise,
greenhouse and carbon dioxide gas emissions, erratic rainfall, salinity
intrusion, and rise of floods, cyclones, storm surges and draught, ice sheets
melting which will seriously affect the agriculture and livelihoods, especially
for the poor. Bangladesh, for its geographical locations, is likely to be the
most affected. The developed nations, which are more responsible for such
climate changes, should take responsibilities to protect the victimized
countries. The Maldives is also one of the worst victims of climate change. A
one meter sea-level rise will submerge about one third of the total area of Bangladesh, which will uproot 25-30 million people of Bangladesh. These people will become refugees of climate change.
To reduce the bad impact of climate change people should be aware. Tree
plantation can reduce global worming which is the main natural reason of
climate change. Stop using harmful chemicals can reduce environmental pollution
which is the main man made reason of climate change. Students should be careful
to protect the environment and raise awareness. Thus students can play a vital
role to reduce bad impact of climate change.
Social network services
network services are actually online services. There are a good number of
social network services such as face book. Twitter, Linked in, You Tube, Hi5,
Sky rock, Friendster, Orkut, Skype etc. Among these, now face book is the most
popular social network service. All kinds of social network services are
web-based. These services have made it possible to connect people sharing
interests and activities across the borders and thus have made a lot for the
users to feel that they really live in a global village. At present, mobile
phone users can now create chat rooms, hold private conversations, share photos
and videos, and share blogs by using their mobile phone. So, nowadays social
networks are expanding so past. Besides most of the social services are
cost-free. We can make use of them free, playing a very little to the internet
service providers. We can make our personal profile before the entire world. We
can also look into other peoples profile if we are interested. It is simple and
easy. Besides these, social networks allow users to upload pictures, multimedia
contents and modify the profile. But there are privacy protection measures too.
A user himself or herself decides over the number of visitors or viewers and
what information should be shared with other. Because of all these stated
above, social networks are expanding so fast. So, it can be said emphatically
that everything, good or bad, depends on the users of the social networking
services. The users will be greatly benefited if they use these services
Independence Day
March is our independence day. It is our biggest sate festival and a public
holiday. But the independence of Bangladesh is not attained overnight. Once this territory had
been a colony of Great Britain for about 190 years. It had again been trapped by the
Pakistanis. The Pakistanis had exploited Bangladesh for about 25 years. Bengalese had become crippled
economically, physically and mentally by the ill treatment of the Pakistanis.
However, we achieved our independence from the despotic and oppressive
Pakistani occupation forces through a bloody war of nine months. It was achieved
at the cost of a sea of blood, and loss of chastity of our mothers and
daughters. Our countrymen had to undergo a tremendously oppressive time during
the war. However, the heroic sons of the soil fought bravely and we ultimately
gained freedom making them surrender to us and the Independence Day is
celebrated with great enthusiasm across
the country. The day begins with 31 gunshots. Early in the morning, the
president and the prime minister on behalf of the nation offer floral wreath at
the national memorial as a token of love and honour to the martyred heroic sons
of the liberation war. Various social and cultural organizations and almost all
the educational institutions arrange different kinds of programmes on this day.
Our long cherished freedom, achieved at a great price will be a real one only
when we will ensure economic and social freedom for all. On this day, we should
pledge that we will protect our freedom against all evil powers unitedly at any
Leisure/ Pastime
Leisure is the time when a man is free from routine work and can do whatever he like best. In a word, it is a temporary relief from the monotonous routine task of our daily life. Village people spend their leisure by flying kites, fishing, playing swimming and gardening. City people spend their leisure by shopping, reading books, watching television, using computer, going park and zoo. The common sports are football, cricket, ha du du, chess etc. and the common pastimes are gossiping listening radio, watching television, reading books and newspapers etc. In late winter, the nature looks very beautiful and the sky remains very clear. Different kinds of flowers are bloomed everywhere. People enjoy it very much. In the late winter, many people travel from one place to another and enjoy the natural beauty. Besides, people enjoy then various kinds of games like badminton, volleyball, dariabandha and ha-du-du etc. Travelling is a good leisure. It refreshes our mind and broadens our outlook. Nevertheless, it is true that travelling is an expensive pastime. As I am a student, I do not get much time for leisure. I spend my leisure by playing cricket and reading novels on holiday, watching television and visiting many nice places. However, leisure should be significant for everyone.
Face Book
Face book is a social networking website intended to
connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the
networking sites, with the runner up being My Space. It began
as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and
everyone. Face book was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and
originally called the face book. It was quickly successful on campus and
expanded beyond Harvard into other Ivy League schools. At that time, it was
only available to schools, universities, organizations, and companies within
English speaking countries, but has since expanded to include anyone. Face book
users create a profile page that shows their friends and networks information
about themselves.The choice to include a profile in a network means that
everyone within that network can view the profile. The profile typically
includes the following: Information, Status, Friends, and Friends in Other
Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. Users are able to search for
friends and acquaintances by e-mail address, school, university, or just by
typing in a name or location for search. When people become friends, they are
able to see all of each others' profiles including contact information. E-mail
notifications let users know when new friends have chosen to add them to their
list or when someone has sent a message to them within the system. A popular
feature on Face book is the ability to share photographs uploaded from a phone,
camera, or hard drive. As with other private information, users have the option
to allow only friends to see their pictures or anyone. There is an unlimited
amount of storage available, which is a major advantage of Face book’s
photograph sharing capabilities.
Victory Day of Bangladesh
means the rebuilt of self-immolation of 30 lacs people. The 16th December is
the victory Day of Bangladesh. Bangladesh got her freedom sacrificing the lives of 30 lacs
people. It is a red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. In 1971, Bangladesh discloses herself as a new country and gets a place
in the world map. Till 1947 we were under British colonial rule. Next we came
under the oppressive domination of Pakistan. Then our country was called East Pakistan. The Pakistani ruler did not give us any right rather
they deprived us from our genuine rights. But the oppressed Bangalis could not
bear any more. They protested against this injustice. A war for freedom
started. Many innocent people died, thousands of women were raped, and many
parents lost their sons and daughters. The battle continued for nine months. At
last the Pakistani invading armies were bound to surrender. 16 December,
1971 the day of our freedom
came and we raised our head as an independent nation. Since 1971, we observe
this day as our Independent day. On this day we show due respect to the martyrs
who laid down their lives for us. Government and non government organizations
organize many programs. BTV and Bangladesh Betar broadcast special programs. We
pray to Almighty for the prosperity of our country. Every year the victory day
remind us that we are the nation of bravery. Our national flag
is hoisted at schools, colleges, universities and even
every institutions and offices of Bangladesh. We pray to almighty Allah for the martyrs
of our liberation war. Thus we celebrate the day with pleasures. So we feel
proud of our nation.
Climate Change
Climate change
refers to long term changes in climate including average temperature and
precipitation. Earth’s climate is changing and this is causing great concern.
The changes place in the atmosphere have become one of the serious threats that
world faces today. The earth’s climate has changed over the last century. Its
impact will be severely negative on both mankind and nature. Human activities
that contribute to climate change include in particular the burning of fossil
fuels, agriculture and land-use changes like deforestation. These causes’
emissions of carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for climate change and
for this possibly many catastrophic changes will be inevitable. The more the
greenhouse gases are emitted, the higher tendency will be for the earth to
warm. It will widespread the melting of snow and ice. Serious consequences will
be a rise in sea levels, which will endanger coastal areas and small islands.
Therefore, only reducing emissions of greenhouse gases should reduce the risk
of the adverse effects .Many options for emission reduction is available. But
the whole world needs to be concerned to remove this fatal threat.
Festivals in Bangladesh
Festivals are the medium of entertainment for a
culture and community. They are the medium of social gathering too. They are
the expression of joy, happiness, and colorful mind.
Festivals are part and parcel of Bangladeshi art and
culture. In Bangladesh, we celebrate the most colorful festivals throughout
the year with great enthusiasm and in a befitting way. Here we can see
religious, social, cultural, agricultural, political festivals with great
delight and plenty of preparations. These festivals are the medium of social
gathering too.Bangladesh
is a land of festivity. Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha,
Eid-e-Miladunnabi, Muharram etc. Hindus observe Durga Puja, Kali Puja, and
Sarashwati Puja among others. Buddha Purnima is the biggest festival for
Bangali Buddhists,and Borodin (Christmas) is celebrated by the Christians.
People from several tribal communities also have their respective festival as well.
We also have several secular festivals. Pohela Boishakh is the biggest among
all the festivals in Bangladesh. This day People get into
their best attires, go out with friends or family, business men open their new
book of records and send sweets & fruits to their regular clients, cultural
organizations organize cultural programmes, students bring morning processions
called Probhat Ferry.Nobanno (New Rice) is another of our festivals, which is
strongly based in the rural Bangladesh. When the farmers get new rice, they
observe this day with Rice flour and sugar mixed in water and Puffed rice. We
also observe 21st February as Shahid Dibash (as observed worldwide as
International Mother Language Day), 26th March as Independence Day, and 16th
December as Victory Day.
Nowadays, people are often motivated to educate
themselves on new topics, but do not necessarily have time to take a full
course. Actually, they often refer to the Web to search and gather enough
information about a topic to be able to complete a task or carry on a
discussion. Hence comes the word ‘e-learning’. E-learning refers to the use of
electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in
education. E-learning includes numerous types of media that deliver text,
audio, images, animation, streaming video, audio or video tape, satellite TV,
CD or DVD-ROM and computer-based, as well as web-based learning. E-learning can
occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced or instructor-led. It is
commonly thought that new technologies make a big difference in education. Many
people involved in e-learning believe that everyone must be equipped with basic
knowledge of technology, as well as use it as a vehicle for reaching
educational goals. Various technologies are used to facilitate e-learning. Most
of the e-learning uses combinations of many techniques, including blogs,
collaborative software, Portfolios, educational websites and virtual
classrooms-Learning has become an important technique that educational as well
as business institutions invest a great deal of money, time and effort in order
to make use of it. E-Learning has proven to be the cheapest way to transmit
knowledge to the largest number of people regardless of their location and
their devices. Most of the existing e-Learning environments present some similarities
and most educators need several tools to efficiently make use of e-Learning. In
short, e-learning has helped people to learn about anything they want, anytime
they want by using modern technologies and thus spreading knowledge all around
the world.
The world Heritage sites in Bangladesh
are many heritage sites in the world. Each site presents its important aspects
and characteristics. The Shat Gambuj Mosque, the Buddhist Vihara, the Sundarbans,
Though a small country, Bangladesh has three World Heritage Sites the historic
Shatgombuj Mosque of Bagerhat, the ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur and
the Sundarbans.The Shatgombuj Mosque is a 15th Century Islamic edifice situated
in the suburbs of Bagerhat, on the edge of the Sundarbans.It is an enormous
Moghul architectural site covering a very large area. The Buddhist Vihara at
Paharpur the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur.It is the largest single Buddhist
monastery in the Indian subcontinent. It was a renowned intellectual centre
from the 7th century until the 17th century. The Sundarbans is the largest
mangrove forest in the world. It has been declared the 52nd World Heritage Site
in the world; The Sundarbans is also an attractive tourist spot. Many people
particularly foreigners like to see its natural beauty. It is not only a
natural and peaceful atmosphere but also a forest site of seeing the famous
Royal Bengal Tiger or the spotted deer, or even the estuarine crocodile. It is
still renowned for its great variety of wild life. The World Heritage Sites
play an important role in the matter of sight seeing. Tourists and visitors of
and from various countries come to visit these heritage sites every year. We,
the Bangladeshis, are lucky to have some World Heritage Sites in the country. A
World Heritage Site is a place recognized by the international community.
Tree Plantation

A Moonlit Night

A School Magazine

A School Library (we`¨vjq


Traffic Jam

A Winter Morning

A Book Fair

A Book
Fair I Visited

Our National Flag

National flag is the symbol of a country. It
introduces any country to the people of the world. Every independent country
has a national flag. We live in an independent country. We have also a national
flag of our own. It varies from country to country. Our National flag is
rectangular in shape. Its size is 10: 6. The colour of our national flag is
green with a red circle in the middle. The green color indicates youth and
peace. It also indicates the bright future of our nation. The red circle
indicates dark period of oppression the sunrise after a long dark period of
oppression. The red circle of the flag denotes the blood of our national
heroes. They sacrificed their lives for the country in 1971. It is hoisted
on government office buildings, foreign high commission offices and educational
institutions. It is kept half- mast on the national mournful days. Our feeling about the flag
is very sensational and respectful. When we see our national flag, our heart is
fulfilled with joy and respect. We bow down our heads towards it. We are proud of it.
A Street Accident/Road Accident

A Street Accident/Road

A Rainy Day

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