Thursday, April 5, 2018

Appropriate Preposition for HSC Examination

Appropriate Prepositions for HSC Exam
Abide with
Patience with
Abide in
Result in
Abound with
Play with
Abound in
Rich in
Agree with
Satisfied with
Appear in
Satisfaction in
Acquainted with
Side with
Absorbed in
Pride in
Angry with
Provided with
Accomplished in
Proficient in
Annoyed with
Quarrel with
Bask in
Prompt in
Argue with
Reason with
Believe in
Trust in
Beset with
Faith with
Born in
Versed in
Burdened with
Familiar with
Clothed in
Vest in
Clothes with
Filled with
Concerned in
Enlist in
Communicate with
Endowed with
Confide in
Encel in
Concede with
Equally with
Confined in
Experience in
Compare with
Equally with
Consist in
Fruitful in
Compete with
Furnish with
Deal in
Glory in
Comply with
Iii with
Delight in
Immersed in
Concur with
Impress with
Deficient in
Include in
Conform with
Inspire with
Expert in
Inherent in
Conformity with
Instinct with
Faith in
Interest in
Confuse with
Intimate with
Dwell in
Involve in
Consistent with
Invest with
Earnest in
Lack in
Contend with
Join or with
End in
Live in
Contrast with
Level with
Engaged in
Lost in
Conversant with
Meet with
Enveloped in
Negligent in
Converse with
Max with

Occupied in
Deal with
Merge with

Plunged in
Differ with
Occupied with

Displeased with
Overwhelmed with
Abide by

Dispense with
Past with
Accompanied by

Exhausted with
Sympathise with
Characterized by

Reconciled with
Tired with
Die by

Supply with
Unite with
Influenced by

Trust with
Vest with
Judge by

Union with
Vedexed with
Moved by

Vie with
Profit by


Accuse of
Die of
Desirous of
Acquit of
Diffident of
Destitute of
Approve of
Dispose of
Devoid of
Afraid of
Distrust of

Ashamed of
Exclusive of

Award of
Failure of
Possessed of
Ambitious of
Favour of
Relieved of
Assure of
Fear of
Remind of
Apprise of
Fearful of
Repent of
Abhorrence of
Fond of
Result of
Bas of
Fondness of
Rob of
Beware of
Doubt about or of
Sanguine of
Beg of
Dull of
Satisfied of
Bereft of
Easy of
Sensible of
Blind of
Envious of
Short of
Boast of
Forgetful of
Sick of
Born of
Free of
Subversive of
Capable of
Full of
Sure of
Core of
Glad of
Susceptible of
Cause of
Glimpse of
Suspicious of
Cautious of
Guilty of
Tired of
Clear of
Hope of
Tolerant of
Certain of
Hopefull of
Use of
Composed  of
Ignorant of
Vain of
Conceive of
Impatient of
Victim of
Confident of
Independent of
Void of
Conscious of
Inform of
Want of
Consist of
Innocent of
Worthy of
Convict of
Irrespective of

Convince of
Jealous of

Covetous of
Lack of

Cure of
Lame of

Deprive of
Lavish of

Deserving of
Mindful of
Observant of
Desire for or of
Need of
Opportunity of
Despair of
Neglectful of
Patient of

Alive to
Object to
Pen to
Dedicate to
Accede to
Obstacle to
Opposition to
Deliver to
Account to
Alive to
Owe to
Destined for or to
Admit to
Alien to
Parallel to
Destructive of or to
Adhere to
Appropriate to
Partial to
Detrimental to
Agree to
Attentive to
Prefer to
Devote to
Apologize to
Affectionate to
Preferable to
Disgrace to
Appear to
Attach to
Prejudical to
Dissimilar to
Appeal to
Allotted to
Relevant to
Expose to
Apply to
Amenable to
Resort to
Faithful to
False to
Access to
Respond to
Subscribe to
Fix to
Aversion to
Responsible to
Succed to
Due to
Addiction to
Restrict to
Suited to
Duty to
Abhorrent to
Retire to
Supply to
Engaged to
According to
Sensitive to
Susceptible to
Essential to
Beneficial to
Similar to
True to
Exception to
Bequeath to
Pretend to
Trust to
Foreign to
Blind to
Previous to
Used to
Heed to
Born to
Prey to
Useful to
Heir of or to
Callous to
Profitable to
Victim to
Hindrance to
Close to
Proportionate to
Visit to
Hostile to
Clue to
Reconciled to
Yield to
Incentive to
Cling to
Reduced to
Contrast to
Indebted to
Communicate to
Refer to
Contribute to
Indifferent to
Compare to
Regard to
Converted to
Indispensable to
Commit to
Slave to
Credit to
Intimate to
Commend to
Stick to
Conform to
Introduce to
Common to
Subject to
Congenial to
Irrelevent to
Condemn to
Submit to
Contiguous to
Key to
Conducive to
Subordinate to
Contrary to
Kind to
Confess to
Apply to
Accustomed to
Liable to
Confide to
Attend to
Adjacent to
Likeness to
Confined to
Appoint to
Adequate to
Marry to
Necessity to
Addicted to
Agreeable to
Martyr to
Alien to
Accountable to

Natural to

Offensive to
Deaf to

Attend on
Decide upon
Inform against
Authority on
Depend upon
Objection against
Bosed on
Fire upon
Offend against
Bestow on
Dwell upon
Plead against
Charge on
Hit upon
Prejudice against
Comment on
Impose upon
Provide against
Commence on
Intrude upon
Rebel against
Congratulate on
Revenge upon
Warn against
Dawn on
Reflect upon
Guard against
Dependent on
Smile upon
Inform against
Determined on
Urge upon
Objection against
Feed on
Wait upon
Offend against
Incumbent on
Bent upon
Plead against
Insist on

Prejudice against
Live on

Provide against
Muse on

Rebel against
Obligatory on

Warn against
Play on

Appeal against
Agree on

Guard against
Rely on

Precaution against
Buest out
Anxious about
Appeal against

Correspond about
Antidote against

Dispute about
Caution against
Aspire after
Doubt about
Charge against
Aspire after
Enquire about
Complain against
Crave after
Grieve about
Decide against
Hanker after
Grumbles about
Defond against
Hunt after
Inquire about
Appeal against

Quarrel about
Precaution against

Abstain from
Authority over
Burst into
Adsent from
Brood over
Divide into
Conceal from
Control over
Enter into
Defend from
Exult over
Burst into
Delete from
Glance over
Divide into
Detach from
Influence over
Enter into
Derive from
Ponder over

Die from
Preside over

Different from
Triumph over

Descent from
Authority over

Differ from

Distinguish from

Distract from

Excuse from

Expect from

Exclude from

Escape from

Exempt from

Exile from

Free from

Guard from

Hinder from

Part from

Oust from

Result from

Retire from

Prohibit from

Recover from

Refrain from

Vary from

Suffer from

Secure from

Prevent from

Originate from

Affection for
Noted for

Ambition for
Passion for

Appetite for
Oblige for

Authority for
Opportunity for

Aptitude for
Partiality for
Aim at
Apology for
Plead for
Attend at
Bound for
Prepare for
Alarmed at
Capacity for
Remarkable for
Astonished at
Care for
Seek for
Amaged at
Cause for
Sarch for
Barkat at
Compensate for
Sorry for
Busy at  
Competent for
Qualified for
Connect at
Concerned for
Respect for
Disgusted at
Consideration for
Remedy for
Expert at
Conspicuous for
Repentance for
Fire at
Cure for
Solicit for
Dull at
Account for
Requisite for
Envy at
Apologise for
Vote for
Glad at
Answer for
Taste for
Graspot at
Atone for
Use for
Hesitate at
Adapted for
Thankful for
Hint at
Demand for
Thirt for
Laugh at
Destined for
Zest for
Play at
Disqualified for
Zeal for
Quick at
Dislike for
Wish for
Ready at
Excuse for
Wait for
Smile at
Famous for
Sympathy for
Sneer at
Fit for
Synonym for
Stare at
Fine for
Long for
Startle at
Favourable for
Match for
Wink at
Eligible for
Necessity for
Wonder at
Harted for
Long for

Hunt for

Inclination for
Appear before

Lament for

Liking for

Distinguish between

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