Friday, June 6, 2014

Composition for SSC Exam 2015

Wonders of Modern Science/Science in Everyday Life

We live in an age of science. Wherever (hLb) we look at(Avgiv ZvKvq) land, water and air we can see the gifts of science(weÁv‡bi Avkx©ev`).Science has made (‰Zwi K‡i‡Q) our life easy(mnR) and comfortable(Avivg`vqK). We cannot think(Avgiv wPš—v Ki‡Z cvwi bv) of our modern life(AvaywbK Rxeb) without science.

Electricity has changed (cwieZ©b K‡i‡Q) our life, society and culture(ms¯‹…wZ). It is a great source (eo Drm) of power and energy. It works like a magic(Bnv hv`yi g‡Zv KvR K‡i). The radio, television, lights, fans, electric irons, mills, factories are run (Pvjv‡bv nq) by electricity.

We cannot think of our modern civilization (AvaywbK mf¨Zv) without science. Science has done (K‡i‡Q) wonders (we¯§qKi) in the field of communication (‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi ‡¶‡Î).Mobile or Telephone is another wonder of modern science. It helps(mvnvh¨ K‡i) a man to talk(K_v ej‡Z) with any one(‡hKv‡iv KvQ †_‡K) sitting(emv ) in any corner(‡h‡Kvb cÖv‡š—) of the wonder.

Wireless or radio is another great wonder (we¯§qKi) of modern science. It has made us possible (m¤¢e K‡i‡Q) to hear (ïb‡Z) the human voice (gvby‡li fvlv) from any part of the world(c„w_exi †h‡Kvb cÖvš— †_‡K).

We can send news(msev` †cÖiY Ki‡Z cvwi) from one corner of the world (c„w_exi GK cÖvš— †_‡K Ab¨ cÖvš— †_‡K)to other within a moment(GK gyû©‡Z). Radio and television are also great media (eo gva¨g )for communication(‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨).

Science has discovered(Avwe¯‹vi K‡i‡Q) many wonders(A‡bK we¯§qKi wKQz) for our recreation(Avgv‡`i we‡bv`‡bi Rb¨).We can hear song(Avgiv Mvb ïwb) and music(evRbv); enjoy drama(bvUK Dc‡fvM Kwi), dance(bvP †`wL), debate(ZK©weZ©K) etc. Radio is one of the wonders of modern science.

Medical science has lessened(Kwg‡q w`‡q‡Q) human suffering(gvby‡li Kó). It has given(w`‡q‡Q) eyes(‡PvL) to the blind(A܇K), hearing to the deaf(ewai‡K †kvbvi e¨e¯’v K‡i‡Q), Legs to the lame(‡Lvuov‡K cv w`‡q‡Q). Penicillin, x-ray, biopsy(K¨vbmvi wbY©q Ki‡Z) and ultra-sonography, E.C.G are some of the wonders of modern science in the field of medical science(wPwKrmv weÁv‡bi †¶‡Î).

Science has spread (we¯—…Z K‡i‡Q) education(wk¶v) among people(gvby‡li gv‡S). Thousands of books(nvRvi nvRvi eB), magazines, newspapers are printed(Qvcv‡bv n‡”Q) every hour(cÖwZ N›Uvq).

Science has done (K‡i‡Q) wonders in the field of agriculture. Farmers use scientific tools(‰eÁvwbK hš¿cvwZ) for cultivation(Pvlvev‡`i Rb¨) and grow more foods(Av‡iv Lv`¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z), crops, fruits etc. Science has removed(`yi K‡i‡Q) the distance of place(`yieZx© ¯’v‡b). It has saved time(Bnv mgq‡K evPvuq).

We can travel hundreds of miles(Avgiv kZ kZ gvBj fªgb Ki‡Z cvwi) within a short time(msw¶ß mg‡qi g‡a¨). Aero plane can carry us(Avgv‡`i‡K enb K‡i wb‡Z cv‡i) to the different parts of the world(we‡k¦i wewfbœ cÖv‡š—).

The radar is another wonderful invention. It gives us signal about weather forecast(AvenvIqvi c~ev©Kvk).

Nuclear energy is another wonder of modern science. The rocket is another wonder of science. It has made space travel(gnvï‡b¨ Awfhvb) easy.Man has landed(AeZiY K‡i‡Q) on the moon successfully(mvd‡j¨i mv‡_).

Nowadays (eZ©gv‡b) computer and calculators have brought (wb‡q G‡m‡Q)a great change in the history of human civilization(gvbe mf¨Zv). Modern world(AvaywbK wek¦) cannot go even a single day without computer.

Science is the greatest(Rq)of all conquerors(weR‡qi).It has established(cÖwZôv K‡i‡Q) itself firmly(`„pfv‡e) in our hearts(Avgv‡`i ü`‡q).

Student Life/Duties of a Student
Student life is a period spent in educational institutions. It is the most important period in our life. It is the time of building one’s future. The future of a student depends on his student life. So it has a great importance.

Student life is the sowing season in life. A man harvests what he sows in his student life. He should make the proper use of every minute or he has to suffer in the long run.

Study is the first and foremost duty of a student. He has to acquire more and more knowledge. He must succeed through hard study.

A student should widen his outlook. He has to read newspapers, novels, poetry, dramas and so on.

A student should be conscious of health. He should take regular exercise. He should keep body and mind sound. Sound mind helps him to continue his study regularly.

Students should serve their parents in all possible ways. They should be respectful to their superiors. They should abide by the advice of their parents and superiors.

A student should build his character. He should be truthful. He must be obedient to his parents. He should be modest and gentle. He must have the qualities like sincerity, honesty, and punctuality, courtesy and so on.

A student should work to remove illiteracy. He should make everyone understand about the importance of education. He should encourage people to send their children to school.
A student should make the illiterate people aware of environment pollution, dowry, early marriage, deforestation and so on.

A student should come forward to help the farmers. He should teach them how to get bumper crops. He should also encourage people to plant tree more and more.

He should be kind and benevolent to the helpless people. A student should not keep bad company. He should mix with good ones.               

Student life is a life of learning. Student life is a care free life. It is a life of joy. This life is free from almost all anxieties of the world. At this time, our main work is to read and play.

Character is very important in life. A good man is loved and respected by all. So a student should try to become a good man in future life. He must be truthful, honest and active.

A student can think the society. He can take part in social service. He can teach the illiterate. He can help the poor.      

A student can pass their time happily. They can take part in games and sports. Sometimes, they can go on picnic or educational trips.  

Student life is the happiest period of our life. The success of future life depends on student life. So every student should use the time properly.

Importance of planting more Trees. /Tree Plantation

Tree plantation means planting more and more trees. It is essential for the environmental balance. They are our great friends. Trees are important (BgciU¨v›U) for our existence (GMwRm‡bbm) on earth. Trees give us oxygen. So we should plant more and more trees every year.


We need(cÖ‡qvRb) oxygen for living(‡e‡P _vKvi Rb¨). Trees provide(‡cÖfvBW) us with oxygen. Trees cause(NUvq) rainfall(e„wócvZ) and thus prevent(wcÖ‡f›U) the spread(‡¯cÖW) of desert(‡WRvU©). Trees give us shade(‡mW) and shelter(‡mëvi).


Trees give us food. Fruit-bearing trees(d‡ji MvQ) provide us(Avgv‡`i‡K mieivn K‡i) with many types of fruits(A‡bK ai‡Yi dj). We also get(Avgiv cvB) many products(A‡bK `ªe¨) like(we‡kl K‡i) wood(KvV), leaves(cvZv), rubber, honey(gay) etc.


The rainy season(el©vKvj) is the best time(Dchy³ mgq) for the planting of trees(MvQ jvMv‡bvi Rb¨). We can plant trees(Avgiv MvQ jvMv‡Z cvwi) around our house(evwoi Pvicv‡k), office buildings(Awdm fe‡bi cv‡k), factories(KviLvbv), schools, colleges and hospitals. We should also(AviI DwPZ) plant trees on either side of the roads(iv¯—vi `yB av‡i).

We get medicine, wood, oil etc from trees. Herbal (Jlwa) trees are useful(DcKvix) for treating diseases(‡ivM wbY©q Ki‡Z).We get vitamins from the fruits of trees. They give us shade (Qvqv) and reduce (jvNe) our tiredness(K¬vš—).

They are used(e¨eûZ nq) as timber(Kv‡Vi ¸wo wn‡m‡e) for making eye-catering furniture(‡PvL avavu‡bv AvmevecÎ ˆZwi Ki‡Z). They are even used(GgbwK †m¸‡jv e¨eûZ nq) for railway slippers(‡ijI‡qi jvBb ˆZwi Ki‡Z) and they produce rubber too.

Trees are the most important gift(¸iZ¡c~Y© Dcnvi) of nature(cªK…wZi). They have made (‰Zwi K‡i‡Q) friendship(eÜzZ¡) with our life(Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi mv‡_). So(ZvB), they are our best friend(‡m¸‡jv Avgv‡`i wcÖq eÜz). They play an important role (‡m¸‡jv ¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i) in our life and economy(Avgv‡`i Rxeb I A_©bxwZ‡Z).

Proper steps (mwVK c`‡¶c) should be taken(MÖnY Kiv DwPZ) to make the consciousness(m‡PZb) among the people(RbM‡bi gv‡S) about the importance of tree plantation(e„¶‡ivc‡bi ¸iZ¡ m¤ú‡K©). Tree plantation programme(e„¶‡ivcb Kg©m~wP) should be expanded(cÖmvwiZ Kiv DwPZ) to the remote corner(cÖZ¨š— A‡ji) of the country(‡`‡ki).

Trees bear a great impact(eo ai‡bi cÖfve †d‡j) on the climate(Rjevqyi Dci).If we destroy trees at random(hw` Avgiv MvQ G‡jv‡g‡jv fv‡e KvwU), one day our country will turn into a great desert(GKw`b Avgv‡`i †`k gi“fywg‡Z cwiYZ n‡e). As a result(hvi d‡j), the country will face a great crisis(‡`k eo ai‡bi mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡e) because our country depends(wbf©i K‡i) on agriculture(K…wli Dci).

Sufficient trees cause rainfall and prevent draught. Trees prevent erosion (¶q) and tidal bore. They give us fire woods as fuel (R¡vjvbx) for cooking. They save us from flood and natural calamities.(cÖvK…wZK `y‡©hvM).It saves the world from turning into desert.

However(hvB‡nvK), we should plant more and more trees(Avgv‡`i ‡ewk †ewk MvQ jvMv‡Z n‡e). Trees are part and parcel(Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask) in our day to day life(Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨vwnK Rxe‡bi). We can not think (Avgiv wPš—v Ki‡Z cvwi bv)of our existence(Aw¯—Z¡) without them(‡m¸‡jv Qvov). The more we plant trees, the more we do well for us.(hZB Avgiv MvQ jvMvB,ZZB Avgiv Avgv‡`i Rb¨ fvj wKQz Kwi|)
The necessity of trees (MvQcvjvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv) and the importance of tree plantation(e„¶‡ivc‡bi ¸iZ¡) cannot be ignored(AeÁv Ki‡Z cvwi bv) in any way(‡h‡Kvb Dcv‡q). So(ZvB) it is our bounded duty(Bnv Avgv‡`i eo `vwqZ¡) to plant trees(MvQ jvMv‡bv) and take care of them.(‡m¸‡jv‡K hZœ †bIqv)

The Season I like Most (‡h SZz Avwg ‡ewk cQ›` Kwi)
Or, The Rainy Season in Bangladesh (evsjv‡`‡ki elv©Kvj)
There are six season in Bangladesh. I like all the seasons but I like the rainy season most. The rainy season is the second season of them. The Bengali months –“Ashar” and “Shraban” are called (ejv nq) the rainy season. The Rainy season is my favourite(wcÖq) season.

The Rainy season(el©vKvj) comes (Av‡m) to us (Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q) with many pleasant (we‡bv`‡bi mgvnvi) things and beautiful scene (bv›`wbK ‡mŠ›`h©) and sounds. So I like this season for many reasons (A‡bK Kvi‡b).

It is a blessing (Avwk©ev`) for our country. The whole Bangladesh (mviv evsjv‡`‡k) floats (fv‡m) in joy (Avb‡›`) at the advent (AvMg‡b) of this season (GB SZz‡Z).

The rainy season is caused by monsoon. The south west monsoon that blows(cÖevwnZ) from the Bay of Bengal (e‡½vcmvMi) over Bangladesh (evsjv‡`‡ki Dci w`‡q) brings (wb‡q Av‡m) much vapour(ev®ú).It causes(NUvq) heavy(cÖPzi) rainfall(e„wócvZ). As a result (hvi d‡j), the rainy season begins (ïi“ nq) in Bangladesh.

People welcome (¯^vMZ Rvbvq) the rainy season heartily (Avb‡›`i mv‡_).The season brings (wb‡q Av‡m) heavy (e¨vcK) rainfall (e„wócvZ).The sky becomes (nq) cloudy (‡gNv”Pbœ). Sometimes (gv‡Sgv‡S) we do not see (Avgiv †`wL bv) the sun for days together (w`‡bi ci w`b). Sometimes (gv‡S gv‡S) it rains (e„wó nq) cats and dogs.(gyljav‡i)

Rivers (b`x), canals (Lvj) and ponds (cyKzi) are filled (f‡i hvq) with water (cvwb‡Z). They overflow (Dc‡P c‡o) their banks (Zv‡`i Zxi). Fields (gvVNvU  go under water(cvwb‡Z Wy‡e hvq).

The season cools (VvÛv iv‡L) and refreshes (m‡ZR K‡i) all (mevB‡K). It also purifies (weï× K‡i) the atmosphere (AvenvIqv). A journey by boat is very interesting (Avb›` `vqK) in this season. The roads become (nIqv) muddy (Kv`vq) and slippery (wcw”Qj).

The rain washes(‰aŠZ K‡i wb‡q hvq) our dirt(gqjv Ave©Rbv).It makes(‰Zwi K‡i)our country(Avgv‡`i †`k) ever green(wPimeyR). It is also a season of fruits (d‡ji SZz). Mango, black-berry, jack fruit lichies have buds on them.

Bangladesh is an agricultural (K…wlcÖavb) country.Most of the crops (AwaKvsk dmj) depends on (wbf©i K‡i) the rain water (e„wói cvwbi Dci). Current of rain water (PjwZ e„wói cvwb) makes (‰Zwi K‡i) our soil fertile (Dei). Men can easily (mn‡RB) go (hvB) from one place to another (GK RvqMv †_‡K Ab¨ RvqMv) by boat.

The poor and the day labourer(w`bgRyi) suffer much(K‡ó †fv‡M). They cannot go out of doors for work.(Zviv Kv‡Ri Rb¨ N‡ii evB‡i †h‡Z cv‡i bv)
Cattle (Mi“evQi) have to suffer much (Kó †fvM Ki‡Z nq). Various diseases (wewfbœ †ivM) like (we‡kl K‡i) cholera, typhoid, and dysentery (Avgvkq) break out (cÖv`yfve nq). Sometimes (gv‡Sgv‡S) there are floods (eb¨v nq) and it washes away (fvwm‡q wb‡q hvq) our crops (dmj) and houses (Nievwo).

Green leaves (cvZv) grow in trees. The cultivation of our country makes the paddy fields ready (Avgv‡`i Pv‡li Rwg ˆZwi K‡i|). Jute plants grow rapidly.(cvU Lye `ª“Z ‡e‡o D‡V)

Our imagination (Avgv‡`i Kíbv) becomes (nq) active (mwµq) by the rhythm and music of rain (e„wói kã). Poets (Kweiv are charmed (AwffyZ nq) by the beauty of the season (SZzi ‡mŠ›`‡h©) have composed (iPbv K‡i) many poems (A‡bK KweZv).

It is a blessing (Avwk©ev`) to the economy (A_©bxwZ) of our country and the prosperity (mg„w×) of our people (Avgv‡`i †`‡ki gvby‡li). It helps (mvnvh¨ K‡i) the nature to gain (AR©b K‡i) a new life (GKwU bZzb Rxeb).

The rainy season is the most important (¸iZ¡c~Y)© and useful season in our country. It is the best of all the season (me SZzi g‡a¨ †kªô) in Bangladesh. We always (memgq) welcome (¯^vMZ RvbvB) this season (GB SZz‡K) and enjoy its beauty (Gi †mŠ›`h© Dc‡fvM Kwi|). 

My Aim in life

Or, My Future Plan of Life

Or The Career I want to Select

Aim in life means to choose a profession for future life. Man is the best creation of Allah. He cannot run his life towards the path of prosperity and happiness without having a definite aim in life.

Our life is like a journey and a journey must have a destination. An aim in life is the best guide to reach the desired destination. A life without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. A definite aim in life is a must to win in the battle of life and fulfill its mission.

I am a student now. Like others, I also have an aim in life. My aim in life is to become a model teacher.

There are several reasons for my choice. It is a noble profession. The best people in the world are those who teach others.

To me, teaching appears to be the best way to serve the society. A good teacher is a potential builder of the nation. A teacher is respected everywhere. Everyone salutes him.

A teacher never dies out from the memory of the people. When he dies, he dies with a noble death and is remembered till the end of the world. A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.

To be a good teacher I wish to prepare myself first. Now I am a student of class X.After passing the S.S.C and H.S.C Examinations with prestigious credit. I shall get myself admitted into a renowned University for Honours and Masters Degree.

After having done Masters, I shall finish the B.Ed and M.Ed. course to qualify myself as a good teacher. I shall also complete some training courses on teaching profession.

After completing my degrees, I will join in our village high school. Our village students do not get standard education. I will devote my life to spread literacy. I will make them about the importance of education. I will encourage them to send their children to school.

A man's real success in life greatly depends on his proper choice of career. My long cherished aim in life is to bring a desirable change in human behavior through education.







Newspaper or, Importance of Reading Newspaper

A Paper that carries (enb K‡i) news is called a newspaper. It brings (wb‡q Av‡m) the whole (mviv) world (wek¦) to our home. It is a mirror (Avqbv) of the world. It gives (‡`q)us news of day to day(w`‡bi ci w`b/cÖwZwbqZ) happenings(NUbv) of the different parts(wewfbœ As‡k) of the world(c„w_ex).  

We cannot think (wPš—v Ki‡Z cvwi bv))of modern life(AvaywbK Rxeb) without the newspaper. Man is curious (DrmyK) by nature (cÖK…wZMZfv‡e). He wants to know (Rvb‡Z Pvq) about various (wewfbœ) events(NUbv) of the world. The newspaper is the best medium (gva¨g) to satisfy (mš‘ywó) this curiosity (‡KŠZznj).

Newspaper is very useful (DcKvix) to all sections (meai‡bi) of people (gvby‡li). It tells (e‡j) us what is happening (NUbv) at home and abroad (‡`k we‡`k). A newspaper is a store house (fvÛvi) of knowledge (Ávb)and information(Z_¨).

Through (gva¨‡g) it we can learn (wkL‡Z cvwi) about all important (¸iZ¡c~Y©) things what happen in the world within(g‡a¨) twenty four hours.(PweŸk N›Uvq)

It brings the world at our drawing room. All sections of people such as Students, Lawyers (AvBbRxwe), Politicians (ivRbxwZwe`), Traders(e¨emvqx), and Sportsman(‡L‡jvqvo) etc are always in need (cÖ‡qvRb) of newspapers.
A politician (ivRbxwZwe`) reads newspaper to know (Rvb‡Z cv‡i) the political matters (ivR‰bwZK welq) of his country and the world at large (GKmv‡_). So, a newspaper is a part and parcel (Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask) of his daily life (cÖZ¨vwnK Rxe‡b).
A businessman (e¨emvqx) reads newspaper to know the price (g~j¨) of various(wewfbœ) items(wRwbm) of commodities(`ªe¨vw`) at home and abroad(‡`k we‡`k). It also tells him about the banking (e¨vs‡Ki) activities (Kvh©µg).
The sport loving (‡Ljv †cÖwgK) people get the news of sports in the newspaper. A newspaper is a great (eo) source (Drm) of entertainment (we‡bv`b). It flashes (Av‡jvwKZ K‡i) news on films, TV dramas (bvUK).
We get articles (cÖeÜ) of intellectuals (eyw×Rxwe‡`i), philosopher (`vk©wb‡Ki), politicians (ivRbxwZwe`‡`i) and free-thinkers (gy³wPš—vi gvbyl). It is a great (eo) treasure (fvÛvi) for us. It encourages (DrmvwnZ) us to stand together (GK mv‡_ `vov‡Z) in times of disasters (`y‡hv©‡Mi mgq).
It discloses (eÜ K‡i) corruption (`ybx©wZ), bribery (Nyl) irregularities (Awbqg) of high officials (D”P Awd‡mi Kg©KZv‡`i). It acts (KvR K‡i) as a source (Drm) of public opinion (RbM‡bi gZvgZ).
A newspaper advises (Dc‡`k †`q) the government (miKvi‡K) in its various functions (wewfb Kv‡R). It makes (‰Zwi) the government means of solving (mgvavb) them.

The employment (PvKzwi) seekers (‡LvRKvix) get useful (cÖ‡qvRbxq) information (Z_¨) in it. It is for all these reasons (G me Kvi‡Y) newspapers are a great concern (m‡PZbZv) to all.

Newspaper is also the best medium (gva¨g) of advertisement. Business men bring (wb‡q Av‡m) their (Zv‡`i) products (Drcvw`Z `ªe¨vw`) and goods(gvjvgvj) to the notice(`„wó AvK©lb) of a wide circle(e¨vcKnv‡i cÖPvibv)) of people through(gva¨‡g) it.

People also express (cÖKvk K‡i) their opinions (gZvgZ) through (gva¨‡g) newspapers. It is the means of communications (‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi) between (`y‡qi g‡a¨) the government (miKvi) and (Ges) the people(RbM‡bi).

Newspaper has an educative (wk¶vg~jK) value (¸iZ¡). Mere (‡KejgvÎ) bookish (eB‡qi) knowledge (Ávb) is not sufficient (h‡_ó) in this competitive (cÖwZ‡hvMxZvg~jK) world (wek¦).

A man who does not read newspapers is like a frog(e¨vO) in a narrow(msKxY©) well(M‡Z©). Being(n‡q) ignorant(Awkw¶Z) of the current(eZ©gvb) affairs(NUbvcÖevn), he can’t take part(AskMÖnb Kiv) in the talks(K_v) and discussions(Av‡jvPbv) in an enlightened(Av‡jvwKZ) society and thus(Gfv‡e) he feels(Abyfe K‡i) like a fish out of water(A¯^w¯—).

In spite of (m‡Z¡I) its defects (Lvivcw`K/LyZ), newspaper is the most useful thing in modern life (AvaywbK Rxe‡b). We cannot think (wPš—v Ki‡Z cvwi bv) of a day without (Qvov) it. It is a looking glass (Avqbv) of the modern world (AvaywbK we‡k¦i). So (ZvB) we should (Avgv‡`i DwPZ) read (cov) Newspaper regularly (cÖwZwbqZ).

Importance of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is the movement of our limbs. Our body is like a machine. Our body needs movement. Regular exercise is essential to keep our body sound.

It is good for health. It gives us health and energy. It is necessary for the preservation of health.

We cannot enjoy sound health without it. Physical exercise makes a man active and strong. It keeps him free from various fatal diseases.

Physical exercise develops all parts of our body. It keeps us sound. It helps us to be cheerful and active. It also helps us digest food and keeps the body free from various diseases.

Our life is full of struggles and activities. One can tackle them simply if one has physical fitness and mental alertness. Physical exercise is essential to make our body physically fit.

A person can have a sound mind only when he has a sound body. So, in order to have a sound mind in a sound body physical exercise is of greatest significant for all.

Exercise takes our mind away from the drudgery of work and fills it with joy. It increases our vitality.

Physical exercise also gives us fresh energy refreshes our mind and helps us to return to work with improved strength. So we should take physical exercise every day.

Health is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise keeps us healthy. Many people do not take physical exercise regularly. They soon lose their health. They fall victims to many diseases.

It helps a student to a great extent. It helps him to concentrate his mind to his studies. So the necessity of taking exercise should not be ignored. Physical exercise prolongs our life and strengthens our mind.

We can say that the importance of physical exercise is great. For a happy and cheerful life, it is essential. So all should take regular exercise.

Bangladesh became (n‡q‡Q) independent (¯^vaxb) only a few years ago. It is a small country as well as a developing (Dbœqbkxj) country. It is faced (m¤§yLxb) with many (A‡bK mgm¨v) problems (mgm¨v). Now (GLb) it is a national (RvZxq) problem (mgm¨v).

Bangladesh is one of the most densely (NbemwZ) populated (Rbeûj) countries in the world (we‡k¦i g‡a¨). Her population (Zvi RbmsL¨v) is increasing (e„w× cvIqv) day by day (w`‡bi ci w`b). It has become (n‡q‡Q) a serious (gvivZ¡K) problem (mgm¨v) for us(Avgv‡`i Rb¨). This problem (GB mgm¨v) is now (GLb) out of control (wbq‡š¿i evB‡i).

Bangladesh is a small country but it has huge (cÖPzi) population. The land area (Rwgi cwigvb) of Bangladesh is less than (‡P‡q/Zzjbvq) her vast population (Zvi RbmsL¨v). About 850 people live per square (cÖwZ eM©wK‡jvwgUv‡i) kilometer here (GLv‡b). For this reason (GB Kvi‡Y/GB Rb¨), Bangladesh in considered (g‡b Kiv nq) as over populated (Rbeûj) country.

The population in our country(Avgv‡`i †`‡ki RbmsL¨v) is increasing(e„w× cv‡”Q) in an alarming rate(e¨vcKnv‡i).There are many reasons(KviY) for increasing(e„w×) population in our country.The main reasons(cÖavb KviY) of increasing population are ignorance(AÁZv, superstitions(Kzms¯‹vi), early marriage(evj¨weevn) and lack(Afve) of female education(bvix wk¶v).

Most of the people (AwaKvsk RbMb) of our country are illiterate.(Awkw¶Z) They do not know(Zviv Rv‡b bv) about the problems(mgm¨v) of over population. Because of being illiterate (Awkw¶Z), they are not aware (m‡PZb) of family planning.(cwievi cwiKíbv)

Besides (GQvovI), religious superstitions (agx©q Kzmsm‹vi) obstruct (evav) our people in taking (MÖnb Ki‡Z) family planning (cwievi cwiKíbv). Early marriage (evj¨weevn) is also responsible (`vqx) for increasing (e„w×) population.

Over population (AwZwi³ RbmsL¨v) creates (m„wó K‡i) many problems. Overpopulation (AwZwi³)growth (e„w×) has many(A‡bK) negative(wei“c) effects(cÖfve) on our life and existence(Aw¯—Z¡).It hampers(evav) our economic(A_©‰bwZK)progress(AMÖMwZ).It also pollutes(`ywlZ)our environment.

Though (hw`I) population is an asset (m¤ú`)of a country, it has now become(n‡q‡Q) a burden (fvi/Awfkvc) for our country. It creates (‰Zwi K‡i) the problem of food, shelter(evm¯’vb),health(¯^v¯’¨), nutrition(cywó),unemployment(‡eKviZ¡),treatment(wPwKrmv),communication (‡hvMv‡hvM)etc.

Over population (AwZwi³ RbmsL¨v) obstructs (evav †`q)to our national(RvZxq) development(Dbœqb). The country will fall in acute (Zxeª) poverty (`vwi`ªZv) and people will lead(cwiPvwjZ) very unhappy(AmywL) and miserable(‡kvPbxq) life in near future (A`yi fwel¨r)if it is not controlled(wbqš¿b). We should inspire (AbycÖvwYZ/DrmvwnZ) our people to adopt (MÖnb) family planning. Our womenfolk (bvixRvwZ) should be educated.

However (hvB‡nvK), we must (Aek¨B) come forward (GwM‡q Avmv) to control (wbqš¿b) this over growth of population (AwZwi³ RbmsL¨v e„w×). We should take some measures(c`‡¶c) to control it. People should make aware (m‡PZb) of adopting (MÖnb Kiv) family planning (cwievi cwiKíbv).

Our people must be educated. If they are educated, they will surely (wbwkPZfv‡e) try to keep (ivLv) their families planned (cwiKwíZ). Mass media (MYgva¨g) like radio, television and newspaper can play a vital role (¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv) in this regard (G e¨vcv‡i).

For this (GKvi‡b), all the people (me gvby‡li) of Bangladesh and the government should join hands (GKmv‡_) to control (wbqš¿‡bi Rb¨) this population growth (RbmsL¨v e„w×) at any cost(‡h‡Kvb g~‡j¨).


Duties of a Student or

Students and Social Service

Student life is a temporary period of man’s life but it is of vital importance. It is the time when the seed of future prosperity and happiness is to be sown. As he will sow at this stage of life, so will be reaping in this later life.

Every body has his own duties and rights. The same is true with a student. He also has certain duties.

As a bee gathers honey as a student should gather knowledge and wisdom from every source. He must not waste his time in idle pursuits but must utilize every minute to self advancement and progress. He must work for his aim.

A student should form regular habits and take great care of his character. He must obey his parents and teachers and follow other directions as they are his best well wishers.

Students should select their companions with great care. A tree is known by its fruit and a man is known by his company. This thing must be kept in mind.

It is also duty of a student to pay full attention to his studies in his class. They should have only one thing in mind and that is studies. They should not sit inattentive in the neither class nor copy or use unfair means in the examination nor depend upon others. They must develop habits of self reliance.

They should be symbol of love. They should be neat in everything. Students should not neglect their daily prayer.

Every student should take care of health. His aim should be have to a sound mind in a sound body. He must take regular exercise and develop his body. Without health and strength of body he will not be able to go on with his studies.
Games play an important part in the development of character. And every young man should take park in the games and activities of the school.

Students are the greatest force of a nation. They are the future leaders of a country. They can build or destroy a nation. They play a vital role in a society as well as in a country.

The first and foremost duty of a student is to study. A student should study regularly. But this study should not be confined to his text book only.

He should read novels, articles, newspaper etc.Besides he must perform extra-curricular activities, such as singing, dancing, debating, etc. All these things will give them not only refreshment but also a deep sense of life. It will increase their ability.

A sound mound lives in a sound body. A student must maintain a sound body in order to maintain a sound health.

They should also try heart and soul to make themselves worthy citizens. For this, they should use most of their time in education. Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society.

The most important duty of student lies in removing illiteracy among the people. Students can do this duty during there holidays. They can go to villages and make people aware of the importance of education.
They can set up night schools for this purpose.

Student’s can help the common people in different ways. They can help the farmers by telling them of the need for scientific methods of cultivation. They can also help the people by telling them of the importance of birth-control.

Students can do a lot for national health. In this case, female student’s role is very important. They can teach illiterate women folk how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Besides, all students in general can teach ordinary people how to keep the environment free and clean.

Students can help the suffering people during calamities. They can collect funds for homeless and distress people and take part in relief operations. Through the Red Cross society, they can work for all the distressed of the world.

The students have much rot do for the society. Through social service, they can enrich their minds and serve the people. The students can loophole the image of the nation through their social service.

Computer in Everyday Life

The computer is one of the most brilliant gifts of science. It is an electronic device for storing and analyzing information.

It helps us(Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ K‡i) in solving(mgvavb Ki‡Z) many difficult problems(A‡bK mgm¨vi) of multiple(eûwe`) calculations(MbYv Ki‡Z). Computer has(Av‡Q) a huge memory(A‡bK ¯§„wZfvÛvi). It can hold (Bnv avib Ki‡Z cv‡i) large amount of data(A‡bK cwigvY Z_¨).

Computers have (Av‡Q) influenced (cÖfve) practically(e¨envwiK‡¶‡Î) every field of activity(Kv‡Ri cÖwZwU †¶‡Î). Many of the routine activities today(AvRKvj i“wU‡bi A‡bK KvR) are being performed(m¤úbœ Kiv nq) by computers(Kw¤úDUv‡ii Øviv).

The computer has proved a friend (eÜz wn‡m‡e cÖgvY K‡i‡Q) and servant(‡meK) of science(weÁv‡bi ), technology(cÖhyw³) and industry(wkíKviLvbvq).

Most offices(AwaKvsk Awdm), shops(‡`vKvb), factories(KjKviLvbv) and industries(wkíKviLvbvq) use computers(KgwcDUvi e¨envi Kiv nq). The Internet is a store house(fvÛvi) of information(Z‡_¨i). The computer is a boon (DcKvix)to all. Computers have made(‰Zwi K‡i‡Q) the world(wek¦‡K) a global(wek¦) village today.

Use of computers has reduced(Kwg‡q w`‡q‡Q) the paperwork(KvM‡Ri KvR). Now most of the work(GLb AwaKvsk KvR ) is done(Kiv nq) directly(mivmwi) on the computers(Kw¤úDUv‡i). The traffic(hvb) in large cities(eo kn‡i) is controlled(wbqš¿b Kiv nq) by computers(Kw¤úDUv‡i).

Various types of games(wewfbœ ai‡bi †Ljv) like(we‡kl K‡i) chess(`vev) and cards(Zvm) can also be played(‡Ljv †h‡Z cv‡i) on computers(Kw¤úDUv‡i).

At present(eZ©gv‡b) comparer is used (e¨envi Kiv nq) to diagnose disease(‡ivM wbY©q Ki‡Z). A new process of operation(Ac‡ikv‡bi bZzb cØwZ) is invented(Avwe¯‹vi Kiv nq) by computer (Kw¤úDUv‡ii gva¨‡g) as an alternative of surgery(kj¨wPwKrmvi weKí wn‡m‡e). Besides(GQvovI) this computer is used (e¨envi Kiv nq) to grind stones (cv_i fv½‡Z) in normal pathological test.(mvaviY‡ivM wbYq© K‡i|)

Now-a-days(eZ©gv‡b), computer is used (KgwcDUvi e¨envi Kiv nq) to prepare document (WKz‡g›U cÖ¯‘yZ Ki‡Z) , budget(Avqe¨q weeibx ˆZwi Ki‡Z) and to store information (Z_¨ Rgv Kivi †¶‡Î). The price of currency(gy`ªvi g~j¨) and price  ago any share can be known(Rvbv hvq) instantly (Zvr¶wbKfv‡e) by computer(Kw¤úDUv‡ii gva¨‡g).

At present(eZ©gv‡b),computer is used(KgwcDUvi e¨envi Kiv nq) to run mills(KviLvbv cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z), factories(KjKviLviv) and industries(wkíKviLvbv) in developed(DbœZ) countries(†`k¸‡jv‡Z). Cars, trains  are also run by the computer. Business(e¨emvwqK) transactions(‡jb‡`b) and high volume of associated data(Zrmswk­ó D”P Z_¨) are easily (mnRfv‡e) managed (wbqš¿b Kiv hvq) by using computers KgwcDUvi e¨envi Kiv nq).

Computer is the backbone (‡gi“`Û) of information technology(Z_¨cÖhyw³i) whose(hvi) major(AwaKvsk) application (e¨envi) lies (wbwnZ _v‡K) in internet. Internet has (Av‡Q) some very useful applications (cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨envi) in our day to day life(Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨vwnK Rxe‡b).

One can also apply(‡h †KD Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cv‡i) for a job(GKwU PvKzwii Rb¨) or admission (fwZ©i Rb¨) in a school or a college by filling (c~iY K‡i) the application form online(AbjvB‡b Av‡e`b dg© c~iY K‡i). This saves(evPvq) time(mgq) and energy(kw³). One can (‡h †KD AviI ) also see results (djvdj †`L‡Z cv‡i) of any examination(‡h‡Kvb cix¶vi) on the Internet.

One can (‡h Kv‡iv) have (Av‡Q) easy(mnR) access (cÖ‡ek AwaKvi) to information(Z‡_¨i g‡a¨) via(gva¨‡g) internet. It is an ocean(gnvmvMi) of knowledge(Áv‡bi) for the students(QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Rb¨). It is a huge library(Bnv GKwU mywekvj jvB‡eªix). The Internet helps(mvnvh¨ K‡i) the student(QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K) to study(co‡Z) for the examinations(cix¶vi Rb¨).

One can(‡h †KD) get (‡c‡Z cv‡i) information (Z_¨) about every subject from government law and services.(miKvix AvBb Kvbyb I †mev)

Computer is also a great source of entertainment(Kw¤úDUvi Avgv‡`i we‡bv`‡bi GKwU eo Drm I |). It is found (Bnv †`Lv hvq) in many households (A‡bK N‡ii KvR) being used(e¨eûZ n‡”Q) as a medium of entertainment(we‡bv`‡bi Ask wn‡m‡e). It has changed(cwieZb G‡b‡Q) in the fields of designing and printing.(bKkv I gy`ªYwk‡í)

We cannot go(Pj‡Z cvwi bv) a single moment GKgyû©‡Z) without it(GQvov). It lessens(Kwg‡q †`q) our works (Avgv‡`i KvR) and makes our lives(Avgv‡`i Rxeb‡K K‡i) easy(mnR) and simple(mv`vwm‡a). But it has not been(cv‡iwb) fully(cyivcywi) introduced(cwiPq Kwi‡q‡Q) in Bangladesh. So we should use it all over Bangladesh.(ZvB Avgv‡`i DwPZ mviv‡`ke¨vcx e¨envi Kiv)

My Aim in Life
A man without aim is like a without ruder. He goes through life aimlessly and cannot prosper in life. So every man should choose a particular profession at the beginning of his life. It depends on the individual taste.
Different persons have different aims in life. Somebody craves for honour, and high dignity in the society, somebody desires the power and somebody wants wealth
My aim in life is to serve the people. I have a mind to serve the suffering humanity. In order to fulfill my ambition, I like to take up the medical profession.
In my ambition, I like to take up the medical profession. In my opinion this is the best profession. Hence, I wish to be a doctor.
After passing the SSC Examination, I shall get myself admitted into a college in the science group. After obtaining passing the HSC Examination, I shall try get myself admitted   into a Medical College for the M.B.B.S. Degree.
If, by the grace of Allah. I can qualify myself of the Medical profession. I shall go to my native village. I shall devote myself to the service of those suffering people.
I shall help them in every respect. I will not take my fee from them and will provide them with medicine free of cost. I shall try my best to set up a charitable dispensary in my village. 
I shall not change my profession. I hope, I will be able to do something for good for my future life and for the people.

My Daily life
Everyone has a daily routine of work. I am a student. So I have also a routine. I do my daily works according to this routine.
I get up early in the morning. I brush my teeth. I wash my hands and face. I say my morning prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air.

I take my breakfast at 6:30 a.m. Then I go to my reading room. I prepare my lessons till 9:30 a.m. I take my bath at 10 am. Then I set out for school.

I remain at school from 11 am to 4:30 p.m. I always sit in the first bench. Listen to what my teacher’s say. We get recess at 1:30 p.m.

 I take Tiffin in the recess period. Then I say my ‘Zohar prayer in the mosque. When school breaks up. I return home straight.

After returning home I take my some light food. After taking a little rest I go to the play ground. I usually play football, volleyball, cricket etc.I return home before sunset.

Returning home, I say my evening prayer. Then I go to my reading room. I prepare my lessons till 10 pm.

Then I take my supper with my parents. After saying that, I say my ‘Esha’ prayer and go to bed.

The routine of a daily life helps us to maintain a happy life. We learn discipline from this life.

 It brings happiness for us in future. So all should have a daily routine and maintain it strictly.

My Aim in Life
Every man has an aim in life. A man cannot succeed in life without it. A fixed aim helps a man to succeed in life.

I am a student of class VI/VII/VIII .I have a definite aim of my life. The aim of my life is to become a doctor and serve in the villagers. My father is a doctor. He always inspires me to be a doctor like him.

Most of the people of our village are poor and illiterate. Good doctors are not available in the villages.

So, they suffer from many diseases and often die a premature death. I have decided to be a doctor and go to village area to serve them.

I shall get myself admitted into a college after passing the SSC Examination in science group. After HSC examination, I shall get myself admitted into a Medical College for M.B.B.S.

Passing M.B.B.S, I shall come back to my village and serve the people. I shall take no fee from the poor.

Success in life depends on the right choice of profession. To be a doctor is my goal in life. I hope I shall be able to reach my goal.

Introduction: all of us should have a daily routine of work. To make proper use of time it is absolutely necessary to have a daily routine. It is most necessary for a student. I am a student. I also have a routine. I do my daily work according to this roution.
Starting of my days: i get up early in the morning. After finishing my natural call i brush my teeth, wash my hands and face and say my morning prayer. Then i go out for a world in the open air. I take my breakfast at 6-30 a.m. then i go to my reading room and prepare my lessons till 9-30 a.m. i go to bathe at 10 p.m. then i take my meal and start for school at 10-30 a.m. i reach before the school begins.
At school: i remain at school from 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. i always sit in the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. I never make a noise during the lesson time. We have leisure at 1-30 p.m. i take Tiffin in the leisure period. Then i say my “zohar” prayer in the mosque. When the school breaks up at 4-30 pm., i return home straight.
From returning home to going bed: after returning home i take my Tiffin. After taking light refreshment i go to the play ground. I usually play football, volley ball, cricket etc. I return home before sunset. Coming back from the play ground i take rest and say my evening prayer. Then i go the reading room. I read my lessons till 10 p.m. then i take my supper with my parents. In the meantime i say my “esha” prayer. After this i go to bed and have a sound sleep.
Conclusion: a daily routine leads us to maintain a happy life. We learn discipline from this. It brings happiness for us in future. So all should have a daily routine and maintain it strictly.

Discipline in everyday Life
Man is a social being. He has to live with others in society. In society he cannot do whatever he likes. He must obey some rules and regulations. To obey these rules and regulations is called Discipline. It helps a man to mould his life according to the prevailing law and order.

Nature shows a glaring example of discipline. The earth, the moon, the stars and all the planets move around the sun following discipline strictly.
Discipline is very necessary in every steps of our life. The necessities of discipline in different fields of our life are many.

Discipline is essential in student life. A student must attend school punctually and obey the rules of the school. He must carry out the orders of the teachers.

Discipline is necessary in games and sports. If the players in the play ground do not obey the rules of the game and the orders of the captain, they are sure to lose the game. All the members of a house should obey the rules of the family.

Discipline is the root of all virtues of our life. No development of a society, a country and above all a nation is not possible without discipline.

A life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. So all of us should be the performer of discipline from the very beginning of life.


Student Life /Duties of Student
The time when we pass in school, college and university in the first part of our life is called student life. It is the time to sow seeds of future life.                        

Student life is the time of most important part of life. The main duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. We should write articles or school magazine. These will help us to become a good man in life.

A student learns many things from books. But he has to enter the real world after his student life is over. So he needs practical knowledge of things.  
Student life is a life of learning. Student life is a care free life. It is a life of joy. This life is free from almost all anxieties of the world. At this time, our main work is to read and play. Our heart is soft.

Our mind is simple. We pass our time happily. We can take part in games and sports. Sometimes, we go on picnic or educational trips. Therefore, the life of a student is a golden period of life.                              
Student life is a life of character building. Character is very important in life. A good man is loved and respected by all. So a student should try to become a good man in future life. He must be truthful, honest and active.

A student can think the society. He can take part in social service. He can teach the illiterate. He can help the poor.  
Student life is the happiest period of our life. The success of future life depends on student life. So every student should use the time properly.

Science in everyday life/ Wonders of Modern Science

We live in an age of science. We can see the wonder of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We can not think of our modern life without science.

The first wonder of modern science is the discovery of electricity. It has changed our life, society and culture. It is a great source of power and energy. The radio, television. Light, fans, electric irons, mills, factories and refrigerator- all work through the power of electricity.  

Science has made our communication easy and short. On the seas, rivers, roads there are ships, launches, boats, trains, buses, cars etc. These are all the gift of science. Telegraph, telephone, fax and wireless- are also some important means of communication. Trains, steamers aero plane buses, etc make the communication quick and easy. 

Science has done much in the field of agriculture. The use of scientific instruments, fertilizer and insecticide has improved agriculture.

Science has conquered diseases by inventing various medicines, x-ray, cardiograph, microscope end etc, and relieved human suffering.

Science has discovered many things for our recreation. We use cinema, television, radio. Tape recorder, V.C.R etc for recreation. Our cloths and many other essential products like paper, pens, etc are possible to make only because of science.

Now a day we can’t think of human life with out science. But we should use it intelligently.

Man always wants to live a better life. He wants better food, clothing and dwelling. He also likes comfort and entertainment. Science helps man to attain these. As a result, science has developed greatly. Today we are living is an age of science. Day and night, we make use of innumerable discoveries and inventions of science.
Electricity is the great power behind many scientific inventions. The electric lamp lights up our houses. Radio, television, telegraph, telephone, cinema, tape-recorder, photocopier, VCR, computers and most of the mills and factories are run by electricity. There are also electric trains, printing presses, cookers, irons, fans, sewing machines etc. run by electricity.
Science has conquered space and time. We can go from one place to another in a very short time by train, steamer, plane or rocket. Previously people took years to go from one continent to another. But nowadays we take only hours. We have reached the moon. We can now send messages at a great distance in the fraction of a second. We can talk to anybody in any part of the world by telephone, Radio broadcasts songs music, news, discussion etc. Television telecasts a wide range of programmes of varies subjects. By FAX, any writing of picture can be sent over great distances very easily. We can do today in hours what was done in days or months before. E-mail has made the world communication quickest, easiest and cheapest.
Science has found out the causes of most of the diseases and has discovered many remedies. A deadly disease like TB has been conquered. Cholera has also been brought under control. Small pox has been eradicated. The X-Ray and the anti biotic have been very helpful to man. Cornea transplant, by-pass surgery etc. are marvels of medical science.
Science has increased food production greatly. If we can apply the scientific methods properly there will be no hunger in the world. Tractors, power-pumps, fertilizers, high yielding varieties of corps and irrigation techniques have revolutionized agriculture.
But science is not an unmixed blessing. Science has also invented guns, bombs, and missiles, battleships and war planes, chemical weapons and nuclear war heads. It has brought in environmental pollution. We should stop the misuse of science to get its real benefits.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise means systematic movement of the limbs. This is only way to build up our body and health. For good and sound body physical exercise is necessary. So we should do physical exercise regularly.

There are various kinds of physical exercise, such as running, swimming, playing, out door games, riding, rowing, Gymnastics, wrestling etc. Walking is the best form of physical exercise. It is within the reach of all.

The best time of taking physical exercise is morning and evening. We should not take exercise in empty stomach. It should be taken in the open air. It also enables a man to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. 

Physical exercise is very necessary to us. Because fresh air is essential for exercise. No one should take exercise in a closed room and an empty stomach. Similarly no one should take exercise just after meal. These practices are harmful.

Physical exercise makes our body strong. It gives us energy for work. It increases our appetite and power of digestion. It keeps man away from attack of diseases.

Moreover, it is necessary to develop the brain. Again over exercise does harm to health. So we should always take such exercise as would suit us

Physical exercise brings this health. So to enjoy better life we should take physical exercise regularly to preserve our health. It gives strength to our brain.

Many good habits are formed through outdoor games. It teaches us unity, patience, obedience, discipline and punctuality.

Season you like most
Or, Rainy season

Introduction : There are six season in Bangladesh. I like all the season but I like rainy season most. Rainy season is my favorite season and perhaps it is favorite to all. Rainy season comes to us with many pleasant things- and beautiful scence and sounds. So I like this season for many reasons.

Duration: The rainy season is the second season of the year. It comes after the Asher and Sraban are in the rainy season. In fact rain sets in our country in the middle of June and lasts up to the middle of September.

Reason of my liking : People welcome the rainy season heartily. The season brings heavy rainfall. The sky becomes cloudy sometimes we do not see the sun for days together. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs. Canals and tanks are filled with rain water.

Features : The season cools and refreshes all. A journey by boat is very interesting in this season. The roads become muddy and slippery. The rain washes our dirt. It makes our country ever green. It is also a season of fruits. Mango, black-berry, jack fruit lichies have buds on them.

Usefulness : The rainy season is very useful to us. Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Our agriculture depends on this season. Green leaves grow in trees. The cultivation of our country makes the paddy fields ready. Jute plants grow rapidly.

Conclusion : The rainy season is the most important and useful season in our country.  It is the best of all the season in Bangladesh. We always welcome this season and enjoy its beauty. 

Student life
   Or, Duties of a student

Introduction : The period which we spend in school, colleges and universities to receive education is called the student life. It is the most important part of our life. Our whole future depends on it.

Importance : Student life is the most important time in life. The main duty of a student is to study. He should attend the classes regularly. He should be careful in preparing his lessons. It is called the seed time of life. If he works hard in this time, he can be successful.

Primary duty : The primary duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. He should go to school and listen to the teachers. He must be dutiful and hard working. He must keep good company.

Most pleasant period of life : Student life is the best part of a man's life. In this period he is free and has not much worldly worry. Usually he has not to earn money for his living. So it is the most pleasant period of life.

Role in social service : During the holidays he can go to the villages and make people aware of the importance of education. He can set up night schools in his localities.

Seed time of life : A man gathers knowledge, forms, his character  and prepares himself for the future in his student life. It is, therefore, called the seed time of life. As he sows, so will he reap. If he uses his time well, he may be lucky and happy.

Conclusion : Student life is the time for preparation. So he should make proper use of time during his student life. He must learn the discipline. He will never be idle.

Or, Discipline and its Importance

Introduction : Man is a social being. Discipline means obedience to certain rules and regulations. Discipline aims at maintaining social integration, accommodation, harmony order and the like. In the society we cannot do whatever we like. We have to maintain rules and regulations.

Value of discipline : The value of discipline is indescribable in our life. It helps men to live in society with peace and happiness. Without discipline nothing can be improved in a country. Nature shows a glaring example of discipline. The earth, the moon, the stars and all the planets move around the sun following discipline strictly.

Necessity of discipline : Discipline is very necessary in every step of our life. Discipline is essential in student life. A student must attend school punctually and obey the rules of the school. He must carry out the orders of the teachers. Discipline is necessary in games and sports. If the players in the play ground do not obey the rules of the game and the orders of the captain they are sure to lose the game. Discipline is seen in nature. Every morning the sun rises in the east, day follows night, birds sing and the plants blossom. Everywhere in nature there is a harmony. If there were no discipline in nature, there would have been a chaos everywhere. Discipline is necessary for a state, nay for a whole nation for its prosperity and development.    

Conclusion : Discipline is the best way of success. We cannot lead a peaceful life without a discipline. So all of us should be the performer of discipline from the very beginning of life. 

Introduction: Cricket is an English outdoor game. Now a day it is a most popular game all over the world. In Bangladesh it is very popular game. The students and other like to play it.
Players, play ground and equipment: The game of cricket is played between the two parties of eleven players. It requires a very plain ground so that the ball may roll on smoothly. Two sets of wickets with bails, two bats and a ball are necessary for this game. The wickets are pitched 22 yards apart from each other.
How to play: It is played between the two parties. One side comes in for batting and other side engages itself in fielding. Two of the players of one team come to bat all the players of the others party try to bowl them out. Some batsmen are caught out, some are bowled, some are stumped out and some are run out. In this way ten players of the batting side go on scoring runs. There are two umpires who conduct the game. The team that makes the greater number of runs wins the game.
Popularity: Cricket becomes very popular recently in Bangladesh. Bangladesh cricket team has got some victory on cricket in foreign countries. The have got a desirable name and fame for the country. So playing is held in every nook and corner of Bangladesh.
Benefits: The game of cricket is a healthy game. All the limbs and muscles of the body are fully moved and exercised in it. It develops team spirit. It also teaches the players patience, perseverance, discipline, obedience and many other useful virtues.
Conclusion: This is a popular game in all the countries of the world. It is popular in Bangladesh. We hope, cricket players of Bangladesh will achieve a great name and fame in the world.

Introduction: Bangladesh became independent only a few years ago. It is a small country as well as a developing country. It  is faced with many problems. But the most complicated problem is it’s over population. Now it is a national problem. This problem resists all of our prosperities.
Present condition: About 130 million people live in Bangladesh. Still about 360 mew children are born every day in this country. If this continues them the population of the country will be double in 30 years. But the wealth of the country is limited. So with the growth of the population, need of country is increasing day by day. It causes shortage of food, houses, and clothing’s. Again the hungry and ailing children do not turn into manpower. They are constantly becoming the burden to the society. The Government has to spend a lot of foreign exchange every year to import food for hungry people.
Causes of the problem: Majority of the people of this country are illiterate. They do not understand what should be done and what should not be done. On the contrary, early marriage, polygamy and over the entire monsoon which comes from the Bay of Bengal are the causes of over population. Without these, the death rate is decline owing to better sanitation, improved medical facilities etc. so, the population is increasing day by day.
The future of the problem: The population of Bangladesh has increased by three percent during the last ten years. If the rate remains constant, the tot6al population of our country will be double by the next twenty years. So, it will be serious then.
Solution of the problem: With the natural resources we must increase our food production to reset the problem. We also should check the birth rate by family planning. The system of polygamy and early marriage gave to be stopped. After all, we should avoid the religious superstition. 
Conclusion: the Government should try his best to control birth rate. Family planning should be made more popular. Lessons should be taken from the world situation. If nothing positive to check this alarming growth of population is not taken now, a very dark future will be in store for this nation.

Physical Exercise
Introduction: Physical exercise means the movement of our limbs according to some rules. It is good for health. It gives us health and energy. It is necessary for the preservation of health. We cannot enjoy sound health without it. Physical exercise makes a man active and strong. It keeps him free from various fatal diseases.
Various kinds of exercise: There are various kinds of physical exercise. Walking, riding, swimming, rowing and different types of games are good forms of exercise. All of them are not suitable for everybody. There are some forms of physical exercise like badminton, cricket, hockey, football, tennis are quite good. For the female table tennis and badminton are quite nice exercises. Other hand, walking which is a very common and easy exercise is good for the weak and the old.
Proper time of exercise: Physical exercise should not be taken all the time. It must be taken in the open air. So morning and evening are the best time for taking physical exercise. Closed room is not proper place for taking exercise. We should take physical exercise regularly. But remember, no exercise should be taken immediate after taking meal or in empty stomach. Do not take over exercise. It may tell up the health.

Importance: Physical exercise develops all parts of our body. It keeps us sound. It helps us to be cheerful and active. It also helps us digest food and keeps the body free from various diseases. Our life is full of struggles and activities. One can tackle them simply if one has physical fitness and mental alertness. Physical exercise is essential to make our body physically fit. A person can have a sound mind only when he has a sound body. So, in order to have a sound mind in a sound body physical exercise is of greatest significant for all. Exercise takes our mind away from the drudgery of work and fills it with joy. It increases our vitality. . Physical exercise also gives us fresh energy refreshes our mind and helps us to return to work with improved strength. So we should take physical exercise every day.

Conclusion: Health is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise keeps us healthy. Many people do not take physical exercise regularly. Then soon lose their health. They fall victims to many diseases. So the necessity of taking exercise should not be ignored. Physical exercise prolongs our life and strengthens our mind. If we want to keep our mind and body fresh, we should take regular physical exercise.
A Village Market
Introduction: A village market is public places in a village where the influx of people assemble from adjoin areas to buy and sell commodities necessary for everyday life. So, it is an important buying and selling center for the villagers. It is the back-bone of the rural economy.

a. Site and location:- A village market generally locates at a place where people from different places can easily come for buying and selling different goods. So, a village market usually stands by the side of a river or canal or at the junction of roads or near a railway station.

b. Kinds of village markets:- There are generally two kinds of village markets—the daily market and the weekly market. The daily market is called 'bazar'. It sits daily in the morning. The weekly market is called 'hat'. It sits once or twice a week in the forenoon and continues up to late in the evening.

A Village Market of Bangladesh
c. Arrangement of shops:- The shops in a village market are arranged in a systematic way. Generally three types of shops are seen in the village market. They are permanent shops, temporary shops and open space shops. The open space shops of the same kind are clustered together and are arranged in rows. Fish, milk, fruit, betel leaves, vegetables etc. are bought and sold in the open space shop. The temporary shops are held in sheds having only their roofs. In these shops oil, rice, salt, pepper, spices etc. are sold. Some grocers, tailors, cloth dealers, stationers and tea-sellers have permanent shops. There are different sections of the village market. They are generally known as fish market, vegetable market, rice market, fruit market, and so on. The fish and vegetable markets are the most crowded place in the market. Haggling is one of the main characteristics of a village market. Nothing is sold without haggling.

Importance: The village market is of great use and importance the villagers. Here they get all the necessary things of their daily use. As such they need not go to distant places to buy and sell things.

Social value: Apart from its practical utility, it has also its social value. If brings the people of different villagers closer and thus strengthens the bond of their unity. It is an important place for village politics and a place of entertainment for the villagers too. There are some people who come here only to pass a pleasant time in roaming about.

Demerits: The village market is an unhealthy place. It is dusty in the dry season and muddy in the rainy season. There is no proper system for disposing the garbage and other filths. It lacks in proper sanitation too.

Conclusion: Though the village market is a noisy, dusty and unhealthy place, yet it is an integral part of village life. It is a place of gathering of a vast number of people providing opportunities for views and news let alone buying and selling daily necessaries. Proper care and arrangements should be made for the improvement of the unsatisfactory condition of the village market.

My Daily Life
Introduction: It is the duty of every one to prepare a routine of work that will help him to do everything in time. To make the proper use of our time it is absolutely necessary to have daily routine. For a student, it is all the more necessary. I am a student. I have a routine of my own. I strictly follow it.

My daily life in the morning: With the break of dawn my day begins. I do not forget to observe the proverb:
“Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
So, it is my habit to rise early in the morning. After rising from bed I usually brush my teeth, wash my hands, face and feet and then say my morning prayer. After my prayer I go to the open field to take physical exercise. After taking physical exercise, I get back home. Then I take my breakfast which mother keeps ready for me. When my breakfast is over, I go to my reading room to prepare my day’s lessons. I stay there three hours at a stretch with complete devotion to studies.

At School hours: At 10:30 a.m. I get myself ready to go to school. Usually I go to school at 11 a.m. I spend valuable five hours over there daily. I take my seat in the front bench and listen attentively to what my teachers say. Our school starts at 12:00 noon and gets over at 4:30 p.m. During the school hours I remain very busy with my studies.

Afternoon work: When the school is over, I come back home direct. After changing my school dress, washing my hands and face I take some light refreshment and merrily go to the field to play with my friends.

At night: Coming back from playground I take ablution and say evening prayer. After it I go to my reading room and study with the deep attention to prepare my lessons for the next day. At 9:30 p.m. I generally take my supper. After supper I say my Esha prayer. Before retiring to bed I listen to the Television or Radio which provides me with charming songs and music. I enjoy them until I feel drowsy. This is how I spend my time every day.

Conclusion: A well regulated daily life is a must for everybody to reach the goal of life. Without making and maintaining a regulated daily life none can expect to succeed in life. So, everybody should have a daily routine and follow it strictly.

Your favorite hobby
Introduction: Hobby is an interesting pursuit other than one’s main occupation. It is usually followed during leisure. It does not bring money but it brings immense pleasures and joys to us. It is necessary to make our life enjoyable and cheerful. Without it life becomes dull and monotonous.

My choice: Different persons have different choices. Some choose gardening, some like drawing picture, some like painting; while other like rearing birds or catching fish, collecting stamps and so on. But whatever be the hobby, it has its own values. A person chooses his hobby according to his own linking. I am a student of class IX. Like others, I have also my hobby and it is gardening.

My favorite hobby is gardening
Reason for my choice: One may wonder why I should give time and energy to such an unproductive work. One may say it is a mere waste of time and energy. I do not feel or think it so. The one or two hours that I spend in my garden are not lost. It strengthens my body and refreshes my mind. Every day in the morning I feel a great pleasure when I see my garden adorned with flowers. The flowers in the garden look like stars in the sky. I am charmed at their beauty and my heart dances with joy when they tossing their heads in gentle breeze. At night when the sweet scent of flowers comes into my room with air, it makes me very happy and fills up mind with heavenly peace. That is why; I choose gardening as my hobby. No other hobby can afford me more pleasure than it.

How I work with my hobby: My garden is in front of our house. Everybody in the afternoon I go to my garden with a spade or hoe and work there. I usually turn or dig the earth and make it fit for planting flower plants. I also pull out weeds and grasses from the garden. I have put a fence around it so that cattle or naughty children cannot do any harm to the plants. I water the plants everyday in the afternoon. I have all kinds of flower-plants in my garden such as rose, chameli, shefali, sunflower, dahlia, beli etc.

Usefulness of my hobby: A hobby gives pleasure as well as instruction. It makes a man active and strong. A man who has a hobby does not spend his spare time in idleness. He engages himself in some useful works. It increases one’s knowledge too. If he likes gardening, he will have to know something about the flowers and plant life. Working in the garden is also a sort of physical exercise which improves his health. It gives joy to the man who owns it as well as to others who see it. The hobby occupies his mind so much so that it leaves hardly any room for evil thoughts to grow and thrive in mind.

Conclusion: Gardening as a hobby is really a great source of joy and pleasure. It makes our body strong and mind cheerful. It gladdens our mind and purifies our soul. The original parents of mankind in their innocent state perhaps placed for this very reason in the Garden of Eden.
Introduction: Discipline is a principle of obedience and the spirit of maintaining order. In other words, the rules which regulate human activities and conduct are called discipline. It makes a man obey the rules and mould his life according to the prevailing law and order.

Value of Discipline: The value of discipline is obvious is every walk of life. It regulates human conduct and prevents him from doing whatever he likes. It strengthens law and order in society. In order to keep peace and tranquility in the society discipline is must. It is the basis of all other virtue. For want of discipline a home cannot be a real home, a society cannot be a peaceful society, and a nation cannot be a strong and progressive one.

Discipline in Nature: Nature shows the shining example of the necessity of discipline. The sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets of the universe follow discipline strictly. Any breach of discipline here will bring about the total annihilation of the universe.

Necessity of discipline in different fields of life: Discipline is very important in every sphere of life. An army without discipline is a rabble. A society bereft of discipline is likely to plunge into chaos and anarchy. If the players in the playground do not obey the rules of the game and the order of the captain they are sure to lose the game. By observing discipline strictly the players can reach the higher of their glory. Discipline is absolutely necessary in strictly the players can reach the height of their glory. Discipline is absolutely necessary in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions. No educational institutions can run and do well without discipline. Similarly, the students cannot learn anything good if they do not obey the rules of their institutions. Educational institutions are the best places to infuse the idea of discipline into the minds of students. A family without discipline is sure to suffer chaos and unhappiness. In different walks of our life we also find the necessity of discipline. For example, when we go to a market or to shop to by things or to a railway station to buy tickets, we often see large crowds. In such a situation, if everyone tries to get his thing first, there will surely be chaos and no one will get what he wants. If, on the other hand, they form a queue each of them will get his things without trouble.

Conclusion: Discipline is the root of all other virtues in our life. It is the secret of success. Life without it is like a ship without a rudder. Without it our life will be at hazards. Life which is not consistent with discipline is sure to ruin. So, all of us should be the staunch performer of discipline from the very beginning of life.

My favorite hobby or, my favorite pastime

By atiqur rahman/Posted On /
Introduction: hobby us a pleasant pastime. It is man’s favorite occupation and not his main occupation. It is an occupation after his taste and choice. It may not bring him money but the joy and pleasure he gets from his hobby cannot be measured in terms of money.
Types of hobby: hobbies vary from person to person according to his taste, choices and aptitude. There are various types of hobby like reading, fishing, gardening, shooting, stamp-collecting, bee-keeping, drawing, painting singing etc.
Hobby of greaten: many greaten of the world had their hobbies. They took hobbies to relieve their mind from the dread monotony of their main business. Alexander, Washington. Napoleon. Tolstoy, Rabindranath. Veranrd show – all had there hobbies.
My hobby: I am a student. My first and foremost duty is to study hard both at home and at school. I have also a hobby like others. It is gardening. It is a hobby after my heart.
Description: my garden is located in front of our house. I work in my garden both in the morning and in the evening. My work consists of making the soil loose, weeding out the grass and planting the flower-plants. I have planted various kinds of flower plants in my garden. They are: the rose, the Dalia, the cosmos, the Karabi, the Krisnachura, the Nargis etc… I water them both in the morning and in the evening regularly. I have put a fence around my garden. Flowers present a very charming view in the morning. Most of the flowers of my garden bloom in the morning ad give off sweet smell all around. Each flower has color of its own. The rose is the best of the lot; flowers, as if my friends and pets. I have a small plot in my garden for growing vegetables. My mother makes delicious dishes with them. Every one of my family members to my friends, relatives and neighbors on different occasion and festivals. It fills my heart with great joy and pride. My father usually takes his morning stroll in my garden and praises highly of my work.
My benefit: Gardening is very helpful to me in various ways. It helps me make the best use of my leisure time. My health has improved much with the starting of my garden. Every morning i feel a great pleasure to see my garden adorned with flowers. The flowers dance merrily in the morning breeze and present a very charming look. At night, the sweet smell of flowers comes into my room and makes me happy and fills my mind with heavenly peace. My garden has givens me a chance to come in touch with the bounteous nature. It lets me feel that man and nature are closely related to each others to quote the poet.
“That day she put our heads together; fate had her imagination about her”
Besides, it helps me forget the sorrows and strains of my day-to-day hard-felt life.
Necessity of hobby: Great is the necessity of hobby. It is not merely wastage of time and energy. It gives us immense joy and pleasure which help us to do our work with renewed vigor. It makes us active, strong and pains-taking; amen who has a hobby does not spend his spare time in idleness. He engages himself in some useful work. It is because he knows.“An idle brain is the devils workshop
It teaches us the dignity of labor. It gives joy to the man who owns it as well it as well as to others to grow and thrive in minds.
Conclusion: thus my hobby is a great source of joy and pleasure to me. A man must have some hobby for enjoying the blessings of sound mind and sound body. Let me quite the words of the poet.
    “What is this life if full of care,
    We have no time to stand and stare?”
Introduction: Discipline means obedience to rules and order of superiors. It is valuable in all walks of life. No society organization or institution or even family can exist without discipline. Lack of discipline brings about disorder, chaos for confusion. It is the very foundation of civilized life.
What of discipline: If we look to a family. We shall find that every member goes his or her own way that the family will be ruined. If nobody obeys the head of the family, that family also will be tor into pieces in no time. This is true for all institutions, society and organization. A school cannot run if the teacher does not obey the orders of the Headmaster and the students do not carry out the order of the teachers. If the citizens of a state do not respect and obey the laws of the land, the state will fall apart.
Discipline in army life: Discipline is the most essential quality of a solder. Indiscipline in the army means defeat and ruin.
Discipline in the play ground: In playground the players must obey the rules of the game and must respect the order of the captain and the referee. Without discipline no team, however, strong can win a match.
Necessary of discipline: When we are adult and are employed in office or business or in any walk of life, there is all the more necessity of discipline. We must obey the command of the office matter. We must be punctual in attending office. We must respect the rules of the office and perform our work and must be at our duty for the period of time. We are expected to be there.
Conclusion: Life without discipline can be compared to the sailing of ship without a rudder. So at all stage discipline must be observed.
Introduction: Everyone has a daily routine of work. I am a student. So I have also a routine. I do my daily works according to this routine.
Morning work: I get up early in the morning. After finishing my natural call, I brush my teeth, wash my hands and say my morning/Fajar prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air. I take breakfast at 7-30 a.m. Then I go to my reading room and prepare my lessons till 10.a.m. I go to bathe at 10.a.m. Then I take my meals and start for school at 1.30 am I reach before the school begins.
School work: I remain at school from 11 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. I always sit in the 2nd bench and lesson to what my teacher say. I never make a noise during the lesson time. We get rest at 2 p. m. I take Tiffin in the leisure period then I say my Zohor prayer in the mosque. When the school breaks up at 5.30 p. m I return home straight.
Afternoon work: After returning home. I take my Tiffin and go to the play ground. I play football, Volleyball, Cricket etc. I return home before sunset.
Evening work: In the evening I wash myself and say my evening prayer. Then I go to my reading room.
Night work: I learn my lesson till 11pm. Then I take my supper with my parents. In the meantime I say my Esha prayer. After this I go to bed and have a sound sleep.
Conclusion: Daily life is the best life for us. We learn discipline from this life. It brings happiness for us in future, so we should follow this routine.
Introduction: A village market is a place where the villagers met to buy and sell things. It is a buying and selling centre for the villagers. Generally it sits every morning and evening. Besides, big markets sit once or twice a week.
Place/where held: A village market is generally held at the junction to roads or by the side of a river or a canal. Large banyan trees are let grown to give shade and shelter.
Kinds of village market: There are two kinds of village market. They are daily market and weekly market. Daily market is called bazar. It sits daily in the evening and morning. Weekly market is called hat. It sits once or twice a week in the evening.
Description/Arrangement of shops: A village market has three parts like open space. Temporary and permanent shed. In the open space the sellers sit in rows. Fish, milk, fruits, betel leaves vegetables, etc. is sold there. In the temporary sheds oil, rice, salt, pepper etc. are sold. Some grocers, tailors, doctors, potters sit in the permanent shed.
Usefulness/Utility/Advantage: The village market is very useful to the villagers. Here they get all things of daily use. It saves the villagers from going to distant places to buy things. It is the meeting place of the villagers. The villagers find a social and friendly life here.
Conclusion: The village market does great service to the rural people. It is the backbone of the rural economy.
Introduction: Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body according to rule. It’s keeps good health and promotes strength.
Various kind of physical exercise: There are many kind of physical exercised. All of them are not suitable for all. Different kinds of games such as Football, Cricket, and Badminton, etc. are good forms of healthy exercises? Walking, Swimming, Rowing, Riding, Racing, Gymnastics, etc. also good forms of exercises.
Important /Benefits: Physical exercise preserves and improves our health. It makes a man active, strong and keeps him free from all kind of diseases. Our body is like a machine. It can be kept in good condition by taking physical exercise, Physical exercise is most important for the students. They do hard mental work, so they need sound body and sound mind which depend on regular exercise.
Evils of not taking physical exercise: Those who do not take regular exercise, soon lose their health. They do not find interest and happiness in life. He is a burden to the family and to the society.
Conclusion: Health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise enables us to achieve this wealth. It keeps body fit and healthy. So we should take physical exercise regularly. But we also should remember that over exercise is injurious to health.
Introduction: We live in an age of science. Impossible has been made possible by it. It has been creating wonders after wonders. We depend on them very much in our everyday life. In fact, modern life cannot be thought of without science.
Electricity: The invention of electricity is a landmark in the history of scientific inventions. It has brought about a revolutionary change in all spheres of human life. It has given us modern life in true sense of the term.
Conquered distance: Science has conquered distance. It has given us Telegraph, Telephone, Teleprinter, Television, Fax, Telex, etc. we can now send messages to the other corner of the world within seconds.
Communication: Science has given us Train, Steamers, Motor cars, Airplanes, Rockets, Speed boats, launches, etc. we use them to move from one place to another very quickly.
Medical Science: In the field of medical science it is not lagging behind either. It has invented various life savings drugs. It has given us vaccines, X-ray, Ultra-Sonography and other latest methods for diagnosing and curing serious diseases. The anti-biotic is a wonderful invention of science.
Entertainments: Science has given us various means for our entertainment. It has given us the radio, Television, Cinema, Tape-record, VCR, etc. for this purpose. In fact, these things constitute an essential part of our daily life.
Agriculture: Science has also made great break-through in the field of agriculture. It has replaced our traditional agricultural works by giving us tractor, power-pumps, deep tube-wells, fertilizers, high yielding varieties of crops.
Printing: Science has invented paper. It has invented printing press, type-writer, cyclostyling machines for helping rapid spread of education.
Recent inventions: The nuclear power, supersonic planes, space-ships, etc. are some of the recent inventions of science. The computer is anther wonderful gift of modern science. It is now being used widely in all spheres of life.
Conclusion: Modern science is an Aladdin’s lamp. Impossible is being made possible with the help of science. It has given us great power over nature. It has given us many opportunities. But it is a matter of great sorrow that many of the wonderful inventions of science are now increasingly being used for bad purposes.

A village market is a place where the villagers met to buy and sell things. It is a buying and selling centre for the villagers.
Generally it sits every morning and evening. Besides, big markets sit once or twice a week.
A village market is generally held at the junction to roads or by the side of a river or a canal. Large banyan trees are let grown to give shade and shelter.
There are two kinds of village market. They are daily market and weekly market. Daily market is called Bazar.
It sits daily in the evening and morning. Weekly market is called hat. It sits once or twice a week in the evening.
A village market has three parts like open space. Temporary and permanent shed. In the open space the sellers sit in rows. Fish, milk, fruits, betel leaves vegetables, etc. is sold there.
In the temporary sheds oil, rice, salt, pepper etc. are sold. Some grocers, tailors, doctors, potters sit in the permanent shed.
The village market is very useful to the villagers. Here they get all things of daily use.
It saves the villagers from going to distant places to buy things. It is the meeting place of the villagers. The villagers find a social and friendly life here.
The village market does great service to the rural people. It is the backbone of the rural economy.
Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body according to rule. It’s keeps good health and promotes strength.
There are many kind of physical exercised. All of them are not suitable for all. Different kinds of games such as Football, Cricket, and Badminton, etc. are good forms of healthy exercises. Walking, Swimming, Rowing, Riding, Racing, Gymnastics, etc. also good forms of exercises.
Physical exercise preserves and improves our health. It makes a man active, strong and keeps him free from all kind of diseases. Our body is like a machine.
It can be kept in good condition by taking physical exercise, Physical exercise is most important for the students. They do hard mental work, so they need sound body and sound mind which depend on regular exercise.
Those who do not take regular exercise, soon lose their health. They do not find interest and happiness in life. He is a burden to the family and to the society.
Health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise enables us to achieve this wealth. It keeps body fit and healthy.
So we should take physical exercise regularly. But we also should remember that over exercise is injurious to health.

A Journey by ( )

A Journey by (       )

Man is very much busy today. He does not find a moment to spend to see and enjoy the sight, beauties of nature or a place of a historical interest. Life has become dull mechanized and barren for want of recreation. We should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous works. A journey by (------------------) can serve this purpose to some extent.

Journey by (----------) is always pleasant to me. Whenever I go for journey, my heart leaps up with joy. My greatest pleasure is in a journey by (------------------).

There are many rivers/rail-lines /high roads in Bangladesh. So it is easy to make a journey by (-----------) .A journey by (   ) is interesting and pleasant. Whenever I get an opportunity to make a journey by (  ) ,I make the best use of the opportunity.

A few days ago, I make a journey by (   ) from Aricha to Sadarghat/Rajshahi to Khulna. Our school was closed on the occasion of autumn vacation.

We were five in number. All of us were of the same age. We hired /Brought a boat/a ticket the previous day. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a.m. It was a bright sunny morning. The weather was fine. In a nutshell environment pleased us. When our boat/bus/train crossing some famous and beautiful bridge on the river, we enjoyed the rivers scenery. We saw that it was full to brim. We also observe the bridge .We enjoyed the small wave on the river from the boat/train/bus. We enjoyed the scenes on the both side s of the river/road/rail-line.

There were green fields, villages, far of paddy fields, rows of trees which were full of flowers and fruits and all these things charmed us. All sights cast a magic spell on our mind.
We took our fast food for lunch. We reached a market at ten p.m. Our boatman/driver/train driver got down for unknown reason. Our boat/bus/train was taken rest for a while. Then we completed our meal.

 Again we started our journey. The boatman/driver/train driver tried to reach the goal within time. It was late afternoon. The sun was setting in the distant horizon. The sun and the nature seem to meet together. The sheds of evening began to spread over earth. The stars rose one after another. We enjoyed the sunset. At last we reached our destination.

The journey, I bore in my heart. It gave me much pleasure. It was the most memorable days in my life indeed.

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